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Aliyah's P.O.V

Its lunch time and I didn't have the mood to eat. I was carelessly shoving my books in my locker when someone talked to me.

"Hey girl!" someone called. It was Jeon Somi. She's the class vice president though. She's my best friend, to be clear. Besides me, she is also popular because she's pretty and good at math.

"What?" I asked without looking at her, focusing on my math textbook.

"Want to hang out after class?" she asked showing her aegyo.

"I don't know, maybe, If I'm done doing nothing." I said.

"Its okay," she sighed. "Yah! Why didn't you tell me that you and Jungkook are engaged?" she asked clutching on my arm.

"Is that a big deal?" I asked chuckling.

"Er, hello? Everyone knows that both of your parents are the one of the most richest and powerful people in Korea," she said. "And plus, you make a great couple."

We were busy talking about this and that, that I barely noticed we're already in front of mom's office.

"Just wait at the cafeteria. I have to talk to my mom." I said.

"Alright." she simply replied. I smiled and went in my mom's office.

When I walked in, the lights were closed off, I had trouble looking for the light switch, but when I did I open it, but I didn't saw her.

"Where is she?" I whispered silently. Then one of the school staff came in.

"Oh, Miss Aliyah! Your mom is at an important business. I think she has an important meeting. But she left you this note." he said while handing me a piece of paper.

"Clear your plans for tomorrow, and shop for something good to wear. I'm gonna be busy." - Mom

"Why didn't she just text me?" I muttered to myself. "They're both childish."

"Thanks." I said to the staff with my voice as faint as it always was. I went outside my mom's office and was about to go to the cafeteria then someone grabbed my arm.

"Yah! What are you doing? Who are you?" I exclaimed while he's still grabbing my arm.

"Trust me!" he replied and gave me a wink over his broad shoulders.

While he was dragging me he suddenly stopped. I tried to tiptoe since he's very tall and has broad shoulders. What I saw is a guy with a very sweet angel smile.

"My turn!" he exclaimed. He grabbed my wrist away from that boy who was dragging me earlier, I looked back and he was smirking while he's hands are shoved in his pockets.

Again, the boy that's currently dragging me stopped, I peeked once again and I saw a guy with a lovely eye smile, he grabbed my wrist away from that boy.

"She's mine."

Again he stopped, and this time it was the boy who dragged me in the first place. He grabbed my arm. "You shouldn't play around with other boys when you're engaged. Lets go!" he said in a friendly manner.

I tried to nudge, but he's too strong. He dragged me to the back of the school. We stopped in front of a creepy steel door with red stains on it. And my first impression was blood. Of course that's what you'll also think if you saw a red stain, right? And if these boys plans on killing me, I couldn't be more than thankful for them.

"Yah! Will you let me go? I have legs, you know?" I glared at him as I remove his grip from my arm.

He chuckled. "Lets not be feisty here miss," he smirked, but somehow he looks harmless. "We're just trying to help a good friend here."

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