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Aliyah's P.O.V

The day went on like that and I'm back home, I haven't seen Jungkook for more than three days.

Its Monday and I skipped school. I was really tired from the trip and I was planning on sleeping for more than twenty four hours, but I suddenly changed my mind.

I was currently sitting on the sofa reading the book series Twilight. I was in the middle of reading when I heard a knock on the door.

Groaning, I went to the door and opened it. What my eyes saw suddenly gave me energy. "Somi-ah!" I hugged her real tight.

"Yah! Aliyah, I can't breathe!" she gasped. I immediately let go and let her in the house. "So, how was my child?"

"Yah, what are you saying?" I asked, annoyed by her sudden childish words.

"I was asking how were you, stupid," she snickered.

"Tsk. It hasn't been an hour since you came and you already annoyed me," I snickered back.

"Quit your whining girl, I'm really tired," she said and raised her feet up and placed it on top of the coffee table.

"You're not the only one,"

"I heard you went to the Philippines, was it fun?"

"It was," I answered.

"How are you and Jungkook?" she asked.

"Fine," I replied shortly. I placed my book aside and opened the television. Not being a fan of TV's, I playfully keep switching the channels.

Somi was looking at me this whole time, but I didn't remove my eyes from the screen.

"What are you doing?"

"Watching, duh," I said sarcastically. Earning a glare from her, I returned it with a cheesy smile.

"Lets go to school," she suddenly said. Catching my whole attention, I turned my head to her.


"I said, lets go to school," she repeated.

"Why?" I whined, obviously not wanting to come with her.

"I'm gonna be transferring to a different school," she sighed and stood up.

"Why????" I whined and also stood up.

"My mom wants me to study in Daegu. At first, I didn't want to and I tried refusing and denying, but it was no use," she played with her fingers. She cant even look at me.

I couldn't say a word. Everything I wanna say was stuck in my throat.

"Fine, its your mom's decision," I said and forced a smile.

"You sure you'll be fine without me?"

"Sure, I mean, Jungkook is here, its okay," I said.

"Okay, well, lets go,"

She grabbed her car keys and I grabbed my jacket. We headed to her car and she started driving. The whole trip was quiet until we reached school.

I looked at the time. It was noon so that means its lunch time. Groaning, I went out the car.

Somi made her way to the office while I went to my locker. Well, I didn't have anything to check or do, but I just felt like opening my locker.

I harshly slammed the door shut, I caught everyone's attention, but I just simply glared at them like I always do. My eyes caught something though, I saw Jungkook and Sapphire coming out of the same room.

I don't know why, but I felt jealous. Not wanting to be childish, I pretended I didn't see them and crossed my arms with my head hung low.

"Aliyah?" I heard a familiar voice call me. I glanced at where the voice came from and saw Jungkook.

"Hey," I said, with my arms still crossed.

"I missed you," he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Tsk. You missed me, but you're hanging out with another girl," I snickered and broke the hug. "How typical."

"Awww. Are you jealous?" he asked with the most annoying cheesy smile.

"I'm not," I tried denying it, but he didn't buy it.

"There's no need to be jealous," he said as I shot him a glare. "Come with me."

And with that, he dragged me upstairs to the rooftop. "Ugh. Here we go with the wrist grabbing thing." I groaned.

"Aliyah, you know I love you right?" he asked as held my shoulder making me face him.

"Why are you asking?" I asked, confused by his sudden question.

"I just want you to know," he gently pulled me into his arms. I hugged him back, I didn't realize I missed him this much. "I love you Aliyah, I really do. More than anything and anyone in this world."

"Yah, what's up with the whole lovey dovey thing?" I asked and let out a chuckle. "Did something happen? Is Sapphire threatening you again?"

"No, she didn't," he said and kissed the top of my head.

"Then what?" I asked, breaking the hug, but his hands was still wrapped around my waist. "Tell me." I demanded.

"Something came up and she's been bugging me about it,"

"What is it?" I asked, unsatisfied by his answer.

"You'll know," his voice suddenly turned sad. I feel like he was gonna cry anytime, but he didn't. "Still, you must know that I really love you."

He leaned in closer to me until our lips were only a few inches away. Sooner or later, I felt his lips on mine.

I opened my eyes and saw tears falling from his eyes. I feel something weird. Like something's not right. Like he's gonna be taken away from me.

Without hesitation, I wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. He pulled me closer than ever, leaving no space between us.

He bit my lower lip making my mouth open. With the chance he had, he slipped his tongue in my mouth, exploring the caverns inside.

We were having a tongue fight when we suddenly run out of breathe. We pulled away, but our foreheads were touching each other. We breathed heavily and we felt each other's cold breath.

"Jungkook, something's not right," I said between my panting. I wiped the tears away from his cheeks with my thumb.

"There is, and you'll probably hate me for it," he said.

The school bell rung. He groaned in frustration and ruffled his hair. He intertwined his fingers with mine. We went downstairs and reached the empty hallways.

"Oh My Gosh! Aliyah, where have you been?!" I heard Somi's worried voice.

"I'll see you later Aliyah. Bye," he kissed me on the forehead and left, leaving Somi and I alone.

"His eyes seemed puffy, did he cry?" Somi asked.

"Yeah," I played with the end of my hair. "I don't know why, but something's definitely not right," I bit my lips. "Like, he'll be taken away from me."

"What do you mean? What happened?"

"He keeps saying I love you and remember it over and over again," I said, curling my eyebrows. I shrugged everything off and dropped the topic. "So, when are you leaving?"

"Weekend," she said.

"Ugh. I'll skip these four days and hangout with you!" I said excitedly, lighting the mood up. "Lets go to the amusement park!" I linked my arms around her arm and made our way to her car.

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