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Aliyah's P.O.V

I shove my last book in my bag. I'm the only one left in the classroom and as soon as I finished packing, I slung my bag on my shoulder. My arms still hurt, but its starting to decrease. Being the clumsy me, I accidentally dropped my phone, I groaned and bend down to pick it up.

"Can I ask you something?" someone asked as he got my phone from me.

"Yoongi?" I asked as I lifted my head up. I putted my phone in my pocket and looked at him and flashed him a smile.

"That's cruel," he frowned at me. "So, can I?"

I nodded. "Ask away."

"What is it between you and Hwang?" he sat on my desk. "Sapphire."

"Ugh, her," I rolled my eyes, hearing her name upsets my stomach. "She's just another pain in the neck. Why are you asking all of a sudden?"

"Just got curious," he replied. "Call me Suga, by the way."

"That's more cruel," I chuckled. "Is there anything else?"

"No. Thank you though."

Before I can collect my thoughts together, he dashed out of the room, leaving me alone. I was about to leave when someone stopped me,

"I'm not done with you yet," she grabbed my arm and tightened the grip. Her grip made the pain a lot worse than before. I wheezed in pain, but sooner shut my mouth when she looked at me weirdly. But the first thing that came to my mind was, how in the world did she got in here without me knowing?

I manage to break free from her grip and shot her a glare. I stared at her in disgust, whats the problem of this bitch again?

"I don't care if you're the grand daughter of the founder of the school or the daughter of the chair woman, stay away from my Jungkook, got that?" she looked at me like I murdered her family.

"If you listen closely, you can hear me not caring." I gave her a smirk before leaving.

Jungkook's P.O.V

"Jungkook!" someone called me.

I turned around and smiled immediately when I saw Sapphire. Sapphire is like a sister to me, she's been my neighbor and my friend since we were kids and we always get along about lots of stuff. "What is it?"

"Do you wanna hang out this weekend? I think you're stressed because of the news that you're gonna get married to Aliyah." she said with a not-so-cute pouty face.


"I know you don't want marry her," she said and crossed her arms. "Its really disappointing marrying the people you don't love, right?" she asked smirking, raising one of her eyebrows.

"it can be a good thing in a way." I stated.

"How is that a good thing? You're getting married to someone who doesn't truly know you! You call that a good thing? Do you even know everything Aliyah? If you don't, then I do, she's a really mean girl with a very deep psychological problem."

"Stop it, okay? You don't have the right to insult or talk about Aliyah. That is my job as her fiance and her future husband. If I say she's a bitch, then she's my bitch, got that?" I hate the fact that I have to say that to her face, but I cant let her talk about Aliyah like that.

Aliyah's P.O.V

"Lets go together!" Somi wrapped her arms around my left arm.

"Aren't you gonna go home?" I asked her. "Class is over."

"I'm alone in my apartment, plus your mom isn't there, right? I can just sleep at your house." she said while clinging on my arm.

"Fine, fine. You can sleep at my place," I said as there's no point into arguing with her.

"Yes!" she beamed and jumped.

"But!" I exclaimed, the smile on her face disappeared and looked at me weirdly.

"You're doing my math homework and cook us food." I added.

"Aish, fine!" she said in an annoyed tone. I just laughed it off and continued walking.

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