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Aliyah's P.O.V

Its Friday. Nothing really happens in my school life. Its the same routine everyday.

"Earth to Aliyah! Are you okay?" Somi snapped me back to my senses.

"Er, yeah, why?" I mumbled awkwardly.

"You're day dreaming again. Class is over!" she exclaimed as she stuff her last book in her bag.

"Er, sorry. I was just thinking," I started packing my stuff. "Uhm, you know stuff."

"Stuff like what?" she asked. I looked at her with the face I always give her when I'm not really in the mood. "Never mind, I don't wanna know."

As I finished packing my stuff, I slung my bag on my shoulder. I walked out of the room leaving her behind.

"Hey! Wait up!" she ran to catch up with me. Somi and I were talking about junk and stuff when my phone suddenly vibrated,

Jeon Jungkook


"I'm gonna be busy this weekend, can't hang out with you. Sorry."

"You skipped school today, didn't you?" I asked.

"My mom told me to. Why are you asking? Did you miss me?" I can feel his devious smile all the way from here.

"I was just asking."

"I'm sorry I can't hangout with you. Sorry."

"That's fine. I understand."

"Thanks for understanding. Oh, and don't talk to other boys, I've sent a secret spy to watch over you so I'll know what you're doing. Bye! Love you!"

I ended the call with a slight smile on my face. And a bit of disappointment.

"Are you gonna keep smiling there like an idiot or what?" Somi asked with an annoying smile.

I glared at her and tried my best to push her in the car using my weak body since it already arrived. "The car is already here, get in!"


We were at the living room sitting on the sofa while Somi is watching TV. I was lost in my own thoughts, recalling what happened earlier after music class.


"Hey, Aliyah! I was wondering if you could---,"

"I told you I can't go with you this weekend. My mom's not home and I'm gonna hear her endless nagging if she found out that I'm outside lurking at night with a guy!" I explained, cutting his words.

"No, I was wondering if--, or I should just go," Yoongi walked away, but I managed to grab his arm.

"No! Wait! What do you wanna tell me?" I asked him, forcing a smile.

He let out a chuckle. "No, maybe some other time."

"Okay, then, catch you later!" I waved at him as he left.


"Hey, Aliyah!" Somi snapped me back to reality. "Why do you keep day dreaming? Is there something bothering you?"

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