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Aliyah's P.O.V

I woke up with swollen eyes and a heavy heart. Groaning, I forced myself to get up and went to the shower to bathe. I put on my pink oversized sweatshirt, pink sweatpants and my pink Nike slippers. I don't really like Nike, but I love their slippers.

With my hair wet, I made my way downstairs. I heard a bunch of laughter from the living room. I lessened the speed of my walk and slowly walked to the living room.

I saw Somi, Sapphire, Jungkook and the other boys. They all stopped laughing and looked at me like I'm something to eat. What the actual fuck are they doing in my house?!

Rolling my eyes, I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge, only to find it empty. I threw a bunch of punches in the air because of frustration.

How could that slut and that two timer be in my house?! Lets not forget the fact that Somi used to be Sapphire's best friend. Sapphire is pregnant, Jungkook is the father, Somi is leaving. Wow, great, just great. I can't believe it. I was born to be alone, I get it.

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt some warm liquid on my cheeks. Why am I crying?! I'm not sure if I'm mad or sad. Thinking about it, Jungkook cheated on me. More tears streamed down my face, I couldn't believe it. I mean, how could he?! I should've never loved him and just let my life stay the way it used to be. I shouldn't have let people come in my life, I should've thought that they were gonna leave me.

Stupid me. I missed the old me. The one who never cared about the world. Pulling myself up from a pool full of thoughts, I went upstairs and went to my room. I removed my slipper and replaced it with my white converses. I took a string bag and placed my phone and wallet in it.

I hung it on both of my shoulders and got the keys of my mom's car. I went pass through the hallways, I was about to leave when Somi suddenly asked, "Where are you going?"

"None of your business," I replied carelessly. I was ready to grab the doorknob and leave when Somi spoke again.

"Why are you holding your moms car keys?" she asked as she stood up from the couch and stepped closer to me.

"Just mind your own business and don't worry about me," I said. Everyone was silent and everyone's eyes were on the both of us. I didn't make any eye contacts with any of them, afraid that I might tear up.

"Tell me Aliyah," she demanded. At this time, I felt careless and reckless.

"I'm going drag racing with my mom's car," I said and showed a sarcastic smile afterwards. I quickly twisted the doorknob and left. I went to the garage and got in the car. I placed the key in the keyhole and twisted it. I stepped on the pedal creating a loud screech.

I'm not really going drag racing, I just said that. I went to the salon and dyed my hair brown with streaks of light pink and yellow. After going to the salon, I went to the mall and bought a bunch of new clothes.

I don't like shopping. I hate it, to be exact, but its the only way I can forget about him and her and my other life problems. I went to the fitting room and started removing my clothes.

I put on a black sleeveless crop top and a galaxy blue pinafore pocket skater skirt with my wedge mid boot. Okay, now I'm looking like a bad ass. Like, wtf is wrong with me?

I went back to mom's car and drove home. I opened the door only to be greeted with a dozen pair of eyes. "Oh My God, what happened to you?!?" Somi asked as she stood up and held some strands of my hair.

"I got a new look," I said and smiled afterwards. I dropped the shopping bags aside and went to the kitchen. I took some milk and drank it in one gulp.

"We need to talk!" Somi grabbed me by my arm to my room.

"What the hell?!" I cursed loudly and rolled my eyes. "What is your problem?!"

"What did you do?! What is all this?!" she asked and gestured all over me.

"I dyed my hair and bought new clothes," I said and crossed my arms, bored by our conversation.

"Your father is not gonna like this," she said nervously and bit her fingernails.

"My father???" my eyes widened. "What do you mean???"

"Yes, your father. They found him Aliyah, your dad told me to not tell you yet because he wanted to surprise you," she said. "Oh, and another thing, he's the new chairman of Whitney High and the new CEO of your company."

"Where is he?????"

She just simply glared at me then left, leaving me dumbfounded. I groaned and followed her to the living room, where everyone else was. "Somi! Where is he?!" I yelled, not caring that we're not the only one in the living room.

"How about you dye your hair back and change your clothes, then we'll meet him," she showed me a sarcastic smile.

"I kinda like this one," Namjoon smirked evilly. I ignored his statement and looked at Jungkook who's sitting next to Taehyung, while Taehyung was sitting next to Sapphire.

I quickly turned my gaze away from Jungkook when we made eye contact. I blinked a couple of times then rushed to the stairs. My dog Snow whimpered and licked my leg, but I just ignored him and walked to my room. I locked it and plopped myself to bed.

I took a pillow, buried my face in it and screamed like there's no tomorrow. "Fuck her! Fuck him! Fuck life! Fuck everything!" I yelled.

I stopped the yelling when I heard a knock on the door. "Aliyah, it's me, Jungkook."

"What do you f.cking want?!" I said as I stood up and leaned my back against the door.

"To talk,"

I stood up and opened the door. After opening it, I walked to my bed and sat on it. "You have two minutes." I said and shot him a glare.

He didn't say a word and just looked at me with sad eyes.

"Are you gonna talk or not?" I asked carelessly, I was really annoyed right now. And seeing his face makes me more mad.

"I'm sorry..."

"For what?"

"I... I.... Uh...."

"You don't have to say it. I already know everything," I said without looking at him. "I don't care what you'll feel or what I'll feel, but its over between us. I hope you have a happy life with your family."

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