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Continuation For The Last Chapter

"What are you doing here?" My mother yanked my arm and dragged me back to to our house. My house is only six houses away from Aliyah's.

"I-I saw everything! Aliyah's parents wants divorce," I said as warm tears streamed down my face. "Aliyah got hit by a car!"

"Now, now," my mom cooed and stroked my hair. "You should be quiet and not say a single word about what you just saw, okay?"

"But why?" I asked, warm tears still rolling down on my cheeks.

"Just do as I say and everything will be alright, okay?" she asked me with a soothing smile. I nodded and wiped my tears away using the back of my hand

"Now, go and wash up," my mom said. I nodded and was about to take my first step upstairs, but stopped midway.

"Can we visit Aliyah at the hospital?" I asked my mom. She turned quiet while I waited for her answer.

"Yes, tomorrow," she said with an unreadable expression.


I woke up extra early. Excited to see my best friend after what happened yesterday. I quickly stood up and bathe. I changed to my usual casual attire and headed downstairs. I went to the kitchen, there I saw my mom sitting on the dining table, drinking her coffee.

"Good morning dear," my mom greeted me with a smile. "You're early today."

"Can we go visit Aliyah now?" I asked eagerly. Her smile turned into a frown. Did I said something wrong?

"Let me change first," she stood up from the stool and placed her mug on the sink. She went upstairs without saying a word. As soon as my mom was no where in sight, I went to the living room and sat on the sofa while waiting for my mom.

After a couple of minutes, she was finally done. "Let's go." She said as she held my hand. She led me to the back seat of the car while she sat on the driver's seat. Minutes has passed, we reached the hospital. I opened the car door before my mom could get out of the car. I rushed to the customer service counter.

"Unnie, where's Yoo Aliyah's room?" I asked. The girl on the counter looked from left to right while I stood there, staring at her tall figure. I was very small for a nine year old.

"Sapphire!" someone yelled. I looked to my right and saw my mom running towards me.

She held my hand tight, making sure I wont escape. "Yoo Aliyah's room please." My mom said. The girl told my mom where her room is.

We finally reached her room, I quickly opened the door, excited to see my best friend. I saw Aliyah's mom, feeding her soup.

"Aliyah!" I called her, wearing the brightest smile I could wear. I ran to her bed and hugged her. But to my surprise she didn't hug me back, instead, she pushed me away harshly.

"Mom, who is this?" Aliyah asked as if its her first time seeing me.

"She's your best friend honey," her mom said. Aliyah looked at me with an unreadable expression. "She's Sapphire."

"Auntie, what's wrong with her? Why doesn't she know me?" I asked, not knowing what's going on. And a little bit of disappointed.

"Lets talk outside dear," she led me outside with my mom. "Eat your soup Aliyah." She said as she closed the door of her hospital room.

Now we're outside. "Aliyah had lost some of her memories," her mom said with a faint voice. "She got hit by a car yesterday. When she woke up, she didn't even recognize me or know her name. She doesn't know or remember anything."

I didn't say a word. I wanted to say something or ask something, but I feel like everything is stuck on my throat. Did that car hit her so bad she lost all her memories?

"I'm sorry to hear that," my mom said. Her voice doesn't sound sorry, it sounded angry. "We'll let her rest."

And with that, my mom yanked my arm harshly. "Mom, it hurts!" I whined as I tried to remove her grip on my arm. She didn't respond to my complain and pushed me in the backseat of the car. She went to the drivers seat and started the engine.

The whole car ride was quiet. My moms grip left a red mark on my arm, it hurts. I didn't complain anymore. This is the first time that she hurt me. And I couldn't be more than surprise.

"Don't hangout with Aliyah anymore," my mom said in a low tone voice. I couldn't believe her words. I had to ask her twice.

"You heard me, don't hangout with her," she said, not caring what would I feel. "Don't you dare disobey my orders, Sapphire. Don't you dare disrespect your mother."

I've always wanted to be the perfect daughter for my parent's. I never disobeyed one order. I've never lie to my parents. I wanted to keep my record clean, so I had no choice, but to agree with her.

But I can't accept her orders without an explanation. "But why mom?"

"You know her parent's company and our company are rivals. We always lose to them, they have bigger stocks and profits."

So this is about business?

"Alright, I won't disrespect you," I sighed as I let the words out. Aliyah has been the best friend I've ever had. We're complete opposites, but we understand each other in an unusual way.

I'm sorry Aliyah, but I have to do this. You will still be the best friend for me, even if you don't remember me.


-another updateeeeee! Hope 'ya enjoyed this one!

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xoxo, author.

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