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Aliyah's P.O.V

"Stop it already." I said as I was lost for words.

"Stop what?" he walked towards me. I took a step back, but I tripped and landed on his bed. Before I could stand up, Jungkook pinned me to his bed.

"Stop making me fall for you!"

"You can fall if you want. Don't worry, I'll catch you." he whispered seductively in my ear making me shiver while I can only squirm as I try to break free from his tight grip.

"Don't squirm, my princess." he said and smirked at me, our lips only a few inches way.

"Jungkook, please," I begged.

"Say you love me first." he said with a teasing smile.


"That's not it," his smirk grew wider.

"I love you Jungkook."

He kissed me on the lips and finally set my wrist free from his grip. "I love you too little princess." our foreheads touching each other. He was still on top of me. He gave me another kiss and finally let go of my wrist. He stood up and so did I.

"Good thing you said it earlier," he said while looking at his reflection. "I was getting really horny."

"You perverted bi---"

"Kids, its time to go home!" someone yelled from downstairs.

"Be down there in a bit!" I yelled back.

"Lets go!" he said with a smile. I looked back at him and forced him a smile. He grabbed my hand and interlocked it with his. I tried to remove it, but he's too strong so I failed to do so.

"Well that escalated quickly," Jungkook's father said as he looked at our interlocked hands. "I want my first grandson to be a boy, alright?" he winked at Jungkook.

I can felt my cheeks burning up, but I still didn't give up on removing my hands with Jungkook's. I tried my best to remove his hands, but fudge its difficult. His hands are like twice the size of my hands.

"We should really get home," my mom said as he looked at her wrist watch. "Still have lots of paper works to do."

"Agreed," Jungkook's mom nodded. "Thanks for the lovely dinner." his parents said before going upstairs.

"I'll go first. I'll wait for you in the car." my mom said with a sly grin. I just nodded as response. My mom left, and me and Jungkook were the only one's in the living room.

"Well, I guess I'll see you on Monday?"

"Of course, we go to the same school, stupid." I stuck my tongue out.

"Be nice to your fiance!" he said and poked my forehead. "Go now. Your mom is waiting for you." He said and assured me with a smile. I was about to take a step when he suddenly grabbed my hand.

"Sleep well little princess." he kissed my forehead.

I didn't say a word and made my way to the front door. I'm already outside of their house, I looked back only to see him smiling like an idiot. I got in the car, fasten my seat belt and tried to sleep since today was a very tiring day.

"You really like him, huh?" my mom asked out of the blue. I tried to act like I was really asleep, probably because I don't want to tell her the truth. And that I never had a conversation with my mom about boys so it was really awkward.

"Hey! Yoo Aliyah!" my mom hit my arm really hard.

"Mom! I'm trying to sleep here!" I complained and ruffled my hair.

"Answer the question." my mom ordered.

"What question?"

"The one that I asked you earlier."

"What did you ask earlier?"

"About Jungkook!"

"What about Jungkook?"

Jungkook's P.O.V

I stared at the ceiling and smiled like an idiot. I kept recalling what happened earlier when me and Aliyah kissed. I just couldn't get enough of her.

"Honey?" my mom stepped in my room.

"Yes?" I replied as I sat up on my bed.

"You're a grown man now! You're gonna get married! You're no longer a baby!" my mom beamed.

"Mom! I can take care of myself now," I chuckled.

"Aish, you kids grow up so fast. Just remember that your father and I are doing this for you alright? Same goes for Aliyah with her mom," she said. "Be good to Aliyah, okay?"

"Of course I will." my mom patted my shoulder and left my room.


this has gotta be the eekiest chapter.


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