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Sapphires P.O.V

The day went on like that. It was a really boring day. I didn't see Jungkook that much and I'm guessing Suga skipped school today. He better! He actually fucked me and now I'm pregnant. I can't get rid of the baby inside me. That'll be wrong in anyway. But the fact that Suga is the father, I just don't want to.

There's nothing wrong with him. He's handsome, nice, rich, and smart. He's a dream guy, but my dream guy is Jungkook. I want him to be the father of the baby I'm carrying right now.

After class, I contact Yoongi and told him to meet up at the cafe. At first he denied, but after I told him its important, he couldn't help but to agree.

I went to the cafe first, I was sitting on the corner of the cafe. Minutes has passed and he already arrived. I waved my hand so he could see where I am. He went closer and sat on the chair in front of me.

"What's so important that you had to interrupt my sleep?" He asked with those cold voice of his.

"Oppa, I'm pregnant," I struggled saying the words. He looked at me with an unreadable expression.

"So?" he asked not caring that I'm carrying his own child.

"Don't you get it?" I asked as tears form in my eyes. "This is your own child!"

A tear fell from my eye, but he didn't care. His expression was still cold as always. Sooner or later, more tears fell from my eyes. I wiped it using the back of my hand.

"Let's make a deal," he said.

"What deal?" I asked as I wipe the last tear away.

"You want Jungkook, right?" he asked smirking. "And I want Aliyah."

"What are you trying to say?" I asked not having any clue about what he's saying.

"Talk less and let me explain,"


"I can make Jungkook the father of the baby you're carrying right now," he said. I wanted to say or ask something, but he told me to talk less so I stayed that way. "And I can make Aliyah mine without Jungkook getting in the way. We'll both get what we want."


"I said talk less," he cut my sentence midway.

"Do you want that to happen?" he asked.

I don't know where this is going. Sure, I want to. I'll finally have Jungkook to myself, but isn't Aliyah my best friend? Well, I guess before. Isn't it wrong that I'm stabbing her back? Ugh. Quit it Sapphire! She doesn't even remember you!

"Don't worry, you wont lose anything," his voice sent me back to reality.

I let out a big sigh. Oppa, I'm trusting you on this one. "Alright, I'll take your deal."

A smirked formed in his face.


Aliyah's P.O.V

"Aliyah! You've been in there for an hour!" Jungkook yelled from the other side of the door.

Yeah, its true I've been stuck in the bathroom for an hour. Its just.. Uhm.. I just had my period. And it'll be embarrassing to tell Jungkook. I cant call Somi, she's in Daegu. Ugh!

"Aliyah! Are you dead in there?" he asked as he banged on the door.

"Uhm, Jungkook?" I called for him as I lean my back on the door.

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