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Third Person's P.O.V

"Aliyah, I can not believe you just ruined our date." Sapphire clutched Jungkook's arm. 

"What the hell are you saying!" Jungkook took his arm off Sapphire harshly. "Aliyah, please let me---,"

"Jungkook and I have been dating before the both of you got engaged." Sapphire cut Jungkook's sentence.

Aliyah didn't have time to listen to Sapphire, she just ran out of the restaurant. Jungkook was suppose to follow her, but Sapphire grabbed his arm.

"Don't touch me! And never come near me again!" Jungkook removed his arm from his grip harshly.

"Don't go! If you go I will kill myself!" she threatened.

"Then kill yourself!" Jungkook looked at her with hatred eyes. "Our lives would be better without you."

And with that he left Sapphire. Jungkook ran to the glass door to find Aliyah and explain himself, but Somi blocked his way.

"Somi, what are you doing? You're suppose to help me," Jungkook said. He wanted to push Somi out of the way, but Somi is a girl. It'll be rude for him to push her.

"Not now Jungkook, she needs some time alone," Somi knows that she's suppose to help him, but she knows Aliyah, she doesn't like crying in front of someone. 

"Okay, some other time." Jungkook sighed.

"You trust me, right?" Jungkook asked Somi. "I would never do anything to make her cry."

"I'm gonna be looking forward to that." 

Sapphire's P.O.V

"Yah! You idiotic bitch! What in the name of hell did you fucking do?" I continued crying and went out of the restaurant. I got out of the mall and I can tell Sena is following me. "Lying won't make him yours, Sapphire! That was very, very immature of you!"

"He will," I muttered while still sobbing. I managed to get myself on the parking lot without stumbling. I took my car keys from my pocket and shoved it in the key hole, but it won't fit. I started kicking the tires with my heels.

"What are you doing now?" Sena asked me, probably tired of my bullshits. 

"My keys won't fit to the keyhole." 

"That's because that isn't your car you dumb ass!"

"Just wait Sena-ah. He will be mine."

"What?" Sena chuckled. "Sapphire if you are gonna keep being like this nothing's gonna happen."

Her words hit me like truck. I knew it too , but its all I can do. "Don't follow me!" I searched the parking lot and managed to find my car and when I did, I drove to a bar. I kept myself busy with hanging out with random guys and drinking a lot. 

"Hey sugar," a random boy said. I couldn't see his face clearly because of my blurry vision. I felt like I was gonna collapse at anytime, but I saw someone very familiar.


"Sapphire? What are you doing here?" he asked. 

Before I could respond, I remembered seeing his face before as I fall into his arms before I closed my eyes.

Third Persons P.O.V

Sapphire and Yoongi were really drunk, but Suga still managed to drive and take Sapphire to his condominium. As Yoongi placed Sapphire on his bed, he stared at Sapphire for the longest time. Yoongi found it weird for him to stare at her like that. He leaned his head closer to hers for a kiss.

"Oppa, please love me! Not her!" Sapphire half opened her eyes and pulled Yoongi's neck deepening the kiss.


Sapphire's head was laying on Suga's chest. They were both naked on the bed snuggling each other. Sapphire was shocked as she has no idea why she was with Suga or why is she naked.

"Wait, what happened? Why does my head hurt so much? Why am I naked?" Sapphire exclaimed while grabbing the blanket to cover her body.

"Whats wrong? Didn't you enjoy me last night?" Suga asked smirking.

"You ruined me!" Sapphire shrieked. 

Sapphire stood up and grabbed her clothes and went in the bathroom to put on her clothes. As she was dressing up she felt pain between her legs like her insides where being crashed. She couldn't walk properly and winced in pain everytime she moves her legs. Sapphire is still a virgin, and she never thought of losing her virginity to Suga. When she's done, she glared at Yoongi one last time before leaving.

"Pretend this never happened!" Sapphire said and get out of the door.

Yoongi sat still on the bed as Sapphire dashed out of his condominium. He looked at his bed sheets only to notice blood all over the sheets.

"She's a virgin?" Yoongi muttered under his breathe.

Aliyah's P.O.V

"Aliyah, open the door please!" Somi said while knocking the door on my room.

I had a hard time sleeping last night because of what happened. I wouldn't wanna open the door to my room. I'm not in the mood to talk to any human being. Somi keeps knocking on my door, but I didn't mind at all.

After minutes of knocking and banging, she finally stopped. I sighed in relief and curled myself into a ball with my blankets engulfing me.

"Aliyah, you need to eat." Somi said as I felt some weight on the edge of my bed.

"How'd you get in?" I asked and sat up.

"Your maid gave me the key to your room." she replied.

"I'm not hungry," I lie back to bed, pulled my blankets and curled myself into a ball, putting my arms between my legs. I started sobbing really loud. I just cant hold my tears in me anymore. I can't believe I just cried because of some stupid jerk.

"Its okay. Let it all out." Somi said and patted my back.

"Thank you for being there for me when I needed you." I said in between my sobs.

"You're my best friend, it hurts me when I see you like this," she said. "Now, lets eat breakfast!"

We're at the living room eating pancakes while watching the news. I'm not really a big fan of the news, there's nothing juicy or entertaining in it. I don't know why people love watching this. I was poking my pancakes with the fork. My eyes focused on the TV screen when a breaking news came in.

"A plane crashed last night while traveling back here in South Korea. That plane includes one of Korea's powerful woman, the owner of Whitney High School and the CEO's of Jeon Diamond Hotel. Rescuers are still on the search, as for now they are still searching for the bodies."

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