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Aliyah's P.O.V

Weeks has passed. I started to notice something weird from Sapphire. Her tummy was bloated. I don't know if she's been eating a lot these days, because girls like her usually don't eat just to maintain a sexy curve and she's one of those girls.

Before class, she asked if she could meet me at the rooftop, she already agreed on my behalf before I could even react.

Its algebra, but the teacher was absent so my classroom was like a warzone. Anyway, there's like forty minutes of algebra left when one my classmates said that someone is looking for me.

With a confused face, I went out the main door of our classroom and saw Sapphire. I gawked. "What do you want?" I asked carelessly.

"Talk. Now." Before I could even say a word, she yanked my wrist and dragged me to the rooftop.

"What the hell?! You said lunch time," I crossed my arms, but half of me was thankful because she dragged me out of that place, or as I call it dungeon.

"I know you noticed something different about me," she said with an expression I couldn't read. "It may be hard to believe, but...."

She paused midway, I didn't say anything and let her finish her sentence. And my jaw fell to the ground at her next words. "I'm pregnant."

I don't know what I just heard, but she looked serious. And her next words hit me hard like a truck. "And I also wanna tell you that you used to be my best friend."

I chuckled, obviously disgusted by her words. "I don't know what's more believable. You're pregnant, you used used to be my best friend or this is all true and I'm not dreaming."

"Im serious," she said, her eyes were blank. I couldn't tell if she was angry or sad about something, but I can tell she's telling the truth. "Somi also used to be my best friend."

It was hard to believe. I couldn't believe it, at first, I was debating whether I should believe her or not, but then, I remembered the times when I was talking about Sapphire, Somi will just shrug it off and ignore the topic.

"Then she met you. She became friends with you, she forgot me, I told her about us, she befriended you more," a tear fell from her eye.

"If you were really my best friend before then how come I don't...." I couldn't find the right word for my question. My mind was in jumbled pieces. How can she be my best friend? I mean, I hate her, she doesn't like me. How did this happen? My used to be best friend? How stupid.

"You lost your memories when we were kids right after your dad left," she said. It struck like lightning.

I never told anyone about my life problems or personal business except Somi, but there was no way she could've told Sapphire, right? I mean, I've known her long enough and there was no way she'll go off spreading my life problems to everyone.

And also, how did she knew all of these information I didn't even know myself?

"You were stubborn before, you're still stubborn now," she let out a faint chuckle. "I'm surprised that didn't change."

"You do realise that we're-- I mean-- You don't like me and I hate you, right? How can you be my best friend before??" I asked, I had a lot of questions, I don't even know how to start.

"I told you, you lost your memories, you forgot everything... including me," she said, her voice was faint. "After the day you got hit, my mom and I visited you at the hospital. After your mom explained what happened, my mom dragged me out and told me not to befriend you anymore. Being the good daughter, I obeyed her. Selfish, ain't it?"

I was speechless in every way. "Then.. Ugh. I don't know what to say," I said, a hint of irritation in my voice.

"Maybe this will help," she took a small , designed bottle from her pocket. The bottle looked familiar. I snapped my fingers. "Ringed a bell?"

"I saw a bunch of those in a hidden door in my closet, it keeps saying the same thing in every paper in a bottle," I said. "Were you the one who wrote it?"

"What does the wish say?"

"Uhm, something like.... 'I wish my family will go back to the way it used to be.'" I said.

"No," she shook her head.

I heard a ringing sensation on both of my ears. My head hurt so bad its like someone was inserting an electric drill through my skull to my brain. I fell to the ground on my knees.

The exact same thing happen during the time when Sapphire approached and talked to me about remembering her.

I gasped because of the pain. Pictures of two girls were flashing in my mind. The both of them were wearing fairy costumes, giggling, playing with a dog and having sleepovers in a fort.

The pain stopped and I stood up slowly. "What was that?" I asked myself, but it was quiet so Sapphire heard it.

"I don't know what you saw in those hard head of yours, but I guess you already remember us," she said as if she red my mind.

"That was us?" I asked. "The costumes, the giggling, the forts and sleepovers?"

"Yes," she said a smile formed on her lips. "I missed you Aliyah." she smiled sweetly.

I believe her now. Everything makes sense now, so maybe that was what our maid was talking about.

'Just like old days...'


So it is Sapphire. How could I not remember her? Maybe because we hate each other and never talk. Yeah, that's it.

The rooftop turned quiet. It went on for more than five minutes when Sapphire suddenly broke it.

My heart fell to the ground. "Jungkook is the father." she said while rubbing her tummy.


- jisoos christ! that horrible girl!


how could she do that to aliyah?!

tsk. i hate myself for writing this.

anyway, hey guys, its me! back with another chapter! whooooo!

nah, i'm just kiddin'

don't forget to hit the star button.

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