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"Jungkook is the father."

"Yah! What are you saying?!" I yelled at her. It was hard to believe, I knew Jungkook would never do this to me. He would never cheat on me.

"I'm saying that Jungkook got me pregnant! Is it that hard to believe?!" she yelled back. "You two never even loved each other, it was arranged marriage between the both of you, right? So what are you blabbering about?!"

"You don't know anything Sapphire!" I yelled. And with that, I went downstairs to the girls comfort room. I went in one of the stalls and locked it. I cried my heart out until no tears were left. I heard the bell rung, meaning its lunch time.

"Is anyone there??" someone asked. Wait, I recognize that voice. Its Somi. "Hello?"

"I'm out of tissue," I said, a hiccup escaped my mouth. How long was I crying???

"Oh My God! Aliyah is that you???" Somi asked and knocked on the door of the stall I'm in. "Open up!"

With wobbly legs, weak arms and puffy, red eyes. I opened the stall and quickly hugged Somi. She quickly reacted and rubbed my back as I cried on her shoulder.

"Where have you been?? Jungkook and I have been looking everywhere for you!" The mention of his name made me cry more. "Why are you crying???"

I didn't want to say it now that I'm still sobbing and lost for words. I broke the hug and looked at Somi. "Yah! Don't look at me like that!" she chuckled, trying to light the mood up.

"Let me fix you up," she dragged me to the mirror and started combing my hair. I slapped her hand away and took the comb from her hand. I started brushing my own hair until it was soft like silk.

I placed the comb on the sink and fixed my wrinkled uniform. I was about to leave, but Somi grabbed my wrist. "Hold on." She took a concealer out from her purse.

She opened the concealer and dabbed a little amount of it on her index finger. She placed the liquid under my eyes and started moving her fingers until the concealer combined with my skin tone.

"Your eyes are still red, but that's okay," she dragged me out of the girls bathroom to the cafeteria. "There's no escaping Aliyah. Prepare for questions when we get home."

I nodded at her statement. She took a tray for me and we sat on the table where Jungkook's friends are. She placed the tray of food infront of me, but I only stared at it. "Eat." Somi ordered.

Yoongi was on my left, Somi was on my right while Jungkook is across me. "I'm not hungry." I said, a hiccup escape from my mouth.

"Something wrong?" Yoongi whispered on my ear. I looked at Jungkook who was staring at me this whole time.

I quickly removed my eyes from him. "I'm fine." I said to Yoongi. Jungkook was about to say something when a voice boomed out of the speakers. "All students, go to the ground floor after eating your foods. This is an order from the new chairman."

The student's murmurs was heard through the whole cafeteria. Wait, new chair man?

"Oh I got good news for you Ms. Aliyah," Somi smiled widely. I didn't say a word and continued poking the lettuce on my salade.

"Hey, Aliyah are you okay? Your eyes are a little puffy," Hoseok suddenly spoke, as the other boys turned their attention to me. I only smiled to his question and continued playing with my food.

The table was getting quiet when my phone rung. I answered the phone without looking at the callers ID.


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