05 : Part 1

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Aliyah's P.O.V

Its Monday and I'm assigned to clean the room. Great, just great. I went to school forty minutes early. I put my bag next to my table and noticed a piece of paper taped on my desk.

"Good morning little princess! Come to the school rooftop after reading this, but clean the room first, okay?" - your handsome fiance.

"How childish," I mumbled to myself. I ripped the note out of my desk, crumpled it and shove the paper in my bag.

It didn't took long before I finished cleaning. My arms suddenly stung, but I didn't mind as I was used to it. I placed the cleaning materials inside the janitor's closet and went to the school rooftop immediately. And when I reached the rooftop, he was already there.

"Good morning." he greeted me with a smile.

I shot him a glare which made him chuckle. What's so good about the morning when you smell like cleaning materials?

"Why are you frowning?" he asked. "Chin up princess."

"I would love it if my crown would fall." I said as I looked up admiring the morning sky.

"Why? If your crown falls then you wont be a princess anymore." he frowned.

"Typical." I rolled my eyes.

He hugged me from behind. His arm wrapped around my waist actually gave me comfort. "But that's okay, I would consider you my queen."

He lets go of me and turned my body in front of him. He pulled my spine making our faces only a few inches away from each other. We both stared at each other for the longest time. I was about to let go when he suddenly kissed my nose. He lets go of me while smiling, he dashed out of the door leaving me behind.

"Come on grandma. Lets see what you can do."

What? Grandma? Oh its on!

I chased him through the hallways, a lot of people are already here and everyone's gazes turned to us, but I didn't mind them and continued chasing him. After minutes of chasing, I stopped running and got down on my knees while panting. 

Jungkook came closer to me. "Come on princess," Jungkook ruffled my hair. "You're gonna have to do better than that."

"Whatever." I got up and rolled my eyes.

"I'll go ahead. I have to find Taehyung," Jungkook said and kissed my forehead. "I'll see you at lunch, okay?"

He scurried away until I couldn't see him anymore. My breathing stabled and I already went in my classroom. As I went in, almost of my classmates were on their phone. They all looked at me with expressions I couldn't recognize. 

Whats with everyone?

I took my seat and also took my phone out. I surfed the internet and checked my Yahoo account. My eyes widened as I saw the headline of an article.

What the hell?

"So that's why they were chasing each other earlier," one of my classmate smiled. "I think they look great together."

Holy crap on a cracker.

Jungkook's P.O.V

"She better get ready." Taehyung said as he sipped his cola.

"For what?" I asked curiously. 

"She's gonna get her hair pulled," he smirked. "You know every girl in this school would do anything to date you. How would your fangirls react if they found out you're engaged with her?"

I shook my head. "Hyung, its more likely that the other girls will get their hair pulled if they try to touch even a single strand of Aliyah's hair."

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