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Jungkook's P.O.V

The days went on like that and its already Friday. Its 11:00 PM and me and my hyungs are in a bar we rented ourselves for the night.

I've been drinking a lot of alcohol. I even lost counting on how how many bottles I've drunk. My hyungs keep telling me to stop and rest, but I keep pushing them away.

Third Persons P.O.V

After dozens of beers Jungkook has drunk, he passed out. In fact, all of the boys are. Since they rented the place for the whole night 'till morning, there were no other people or security guards.

Suddenly, a female entered the bar. Her eyes wandering around the bar, searching for someone. Her eyes landed on Jungkook and a smirk suddenly formed on her lips.

Without making a sound, she walked towards him, carefully, not wanting to wake them up. Once he reached him, he shook him up, trying to wake him up.

"Oppa, let's go home," she said in a sweet tone.

His eyes were half open because of too much tiredness and headache due to the alcohol. "Who are you?" he asked as he tried opening his eyes fully, but failed.

"Let's go," she said in a smile and wrapped his arm around her shoulder while her arm snaked around his waist.

She managed to get to her car without falling down. She sat Jungkook on the back seat and tapped his nose before closing the door. She went to the driver's seat and started the engine.

"You will be mine soon Oppa, just a little more,"

Once they reached her apartment, she helped Jungkook sat on her bed. She looked for his phone. After finding his phone, she dialed her own number and after a couple of seconds she ended it.

"I said everything and anything Aliyah. Even if fooling the ones I love."

• The Next Day •

Jungkook squinted his eyes open and let his eyes adjust with the sunlight. His eyes wandered around the room and realized that this isn't his room.

He tried recalling what happened or how he got there, but he can't remember anything. He shivered at the coldness and realized that he has no clothes on. He quickly sat up and picked his clothes up and started dressing himself up. He was about to leave the room, but saw something move from under the blankets.

His eyes fixed on the sheets, he noticed that this was Sapphire also naked. "Oppa, where are you going?" she asked and showed a smile afterwards.

"Did we actually did it?" he asked nervously, hoping for a no.

"Yes," she answered happily, but he wasn't. He was mad and disappointed at himself.

"I-I d-don't believe it," he whispered to himself, eyes on the ground, but Sapphire heard it.

"Why? Do you regret doing it with me?" she asked, suddenly the smile fading away.

"Sapphire.. I-I.." he was lost for words. He didn't know what happened or what to say. He knows for sure its a mistake and he didn't mean to do it with her, but its definitely the biggest mistake he has ever done.

"What? Oppa?" she asked, nervous at what he's gonna say next.

Jungkook quickly rushed to the door and looked for a cab. His hands gripped hard on his jeans.

Aliyah's P.O.V

"No, I don't know how," I shook my head. Yoongi has been forcing me to cook for the past thirty minutes, but I keep refusing. I've never cooked my entire life.

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