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Aliyah's P.O.V

Somi and I went to the amusement park, ocean park, the park, and the karaoke. After singing our lungs out, Somi and I went to the mall to buy matching clothes, accessories etc. After filling our arms with a bunch of shopping bags, we decided to go to N Seoul Tower.

Dropping the shopping bags to the side, we went to the place where thousands of locks were locked to a tree like shape. Both Somi and I gaped in awe. It was really amazing.

"I'm gonna miss this place." Somi mumbled as the cold breeze meets her face.

"What do you mean? Daegu is a two hour drive from Seoul." I said and let out a smile.

"Well, yeah, but you'll never know when I'll be back here," Somi said. "I mean, college is right around the corner 'ya know?"

"Oh boy," I groaned in frustration, imagining what college would be like. "Unnie, I have good news." I said, lightening the mood up.

"What is that?" she asked, her whole attention on me now.

"Our company is looking for dad!" I squealed, both Somi and I held hands and jumped while screaming uncontrollably. We caught everyone's attention, but none of us cared.

"I'm so happy for you!" she hugged me real tight. "Wait," she broke the hug. "Do you think she knows about your mom?" she asked, instantly turning my smile upside down.

"Everyone knows," I said, assuming I'm right. "Well, lets go home!" I said and went to the place where we placed our shopping bags.

It didn't took long before we reached home. With the shopping bags on our arms, we went to my room and started examining the matching clothes we bought.

We bought a lot of things and I mean a lot. I bought a pastel pink sweatshirt with the word 'raccoon' printed on it, a pastel teal skinny jeans, pink flats and a teal winter bonnet while Somi bought a pastel teal sweatshirt with the word 'owl' printed on it, a pastel pink skinny jeans, teal flats and a pink bonnet.

We also bought matching unicorns pajamas and matching home boots that's color purple. We also bought dozens of matching phone cases, necklaces, bracelets, key chains etc.

There's a lot more than that. "Its been so long since we've done this!" Somi said as she looked at the matching necklace with a handcuff as a pendant. "Come here." she said and I followed.

She turned me around so my back was facing her, she placed the necklace around my neck. I looked at it in the mirror and gaped in awe. I did the same with Somi. We were both admiring the necklace when someone suddenly called me.

I looked at the caller, but it was an unknown number. "Hello?" I answered.

"Aliyah!!!!" It screamed from the other line. I had to remove the speaker phone from my ear, but I placed it back again on my ear.

"Who is this?" I asked annoyed.

"Its Taehyung. Is it okay if we borrow Jungkook for the night???" he asked. "Please???????"

"Sure," I replied. I turned it into speaker so Somi can hear it. We heard a bunch of loud screams.

"Thank You Aliyah!!!!!" Taehyung said from the other line.

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