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A Few Years Earlier

The both of us were giggling, wearing our fairy costumes. It isn't Halloween, but the both of us liked dressing up as princesses or fairies. We were in our fort made up of pillows and blankets that we made by ourselves. Our fort is placed inside her walk-in-closet. We were stacking a bunch of flashlights, hoping it wouldn't fall. Its Friday afternoon, which means its wishing day.

Wishing day is the day when we spend the rest of the day making wishes and writing them on a piece of paper. We'll drop the paper of wishes inside a bottle that we decorated ourselves. We both have different bottles. Once the bottle is full, we go to the nearest beach and throw them away.

"I wish I really can be a fairy," I said as I held my hands together and closed my eyes. I wrote my wish on a piece of sticky note, I rolled it and dropped it in the bottle.

I heard her laugh. "They aren't real Sapphire." She said followed by a chuckle.

I didn't mind her and continued making wishes. "I also wish to find my prince and have a happy ending like the movies me and Aliyah have watched." Again, I wrote it on a piece of paper and dropped it in the bottle.

"Quit it Sapphire," she chuckled. "Let's clean the place up before my parents arrive."

"You're not gonna make a wish again?" I asked frowning. She's the one who suggested Wishing Friday, but everytime its wishing time, she doesn't make a wish, not even once. Her bottle is always empty.

She gave me a sad smile. "Let's clean up."

She's always like this. We're having fun, but after minutes of playing, she'll tell me to clean up before her parents gets home. One thing I know about her is that she's scared of her parents. Her mom and dad fights everyday. And I mean everyday. I think it bothers her a lot.

We both finished up cleaning and we headed downstairs. When we reached their living room, her parents burst on the door, screaming their lungs out at each other.

"Thanks Sapphire, I had fun," she gave me a forced smile. "You can go home now."

I quickly ran out of the door. Being the hardheaded me, I peeked through the window that's placed beside their door to see what was going on. I saw Aliyah sitting on the sofa with her hands on her ears. She was crying.

"You have to know that as a parent, you have to do what'll be best for our daughter!" her dad yelled at her mom. I know this is family business, but I can't stop myself from sticking my nose on it.

"So what are you trying to say?" her mom asked. Her eyes raging and full of hatred. I looked at Aliyah, she couldn't do anything to stop her parents from arguing. All she can do is sit and stare.

"I'm saying that you should be more open minded and pay attention to her!" her dad said pointing at his poor daughter who's sobbing really loud.

"Get out!" Her mom said as she look at the door. "Leave and don't comeback! We don't need you no more!"

"No, I'm not leaving without her!" Aliyah's dad said as he went to the sofa and carry the little nine year old girl in his arms.

"You're not taking her from me," her mom grabbed Aliyah from his arms. "I want divorce. I'll take care of everything. If you really love her, lend her to someone who's rich and not broke!"

Aliyah cried more than before. I was still looking at that messed family from their window. I hate to see my best friend being like this. She's always crying because of them, but just like Aliyah I'm also a child and have no power to stop them.

His dad rushed to the main door, I quickly hide on the bush hoping he won't notice me. Well, it worked, he didn't notice my presence.

"Daddy!" Aliyah called for his dad. She escaped from his mother arms and rushed outside to chase her father. I was still hiding in the bush.

Before Aliyah could rush to her dad, her dad already got in his car and drove away. Aliyah still chased for him, she crossed the street when suddenly a car hit her. She fell on the road, unconscious.

Sooner or later, she was already bathing in her own blood. The car driver went out of his truck and rushed to Aliyah. I also wanted to go and help her, but I'm afraid that her mother would see me.

Her mother immediately rushed to her daughter. Her mom acted fast and got Aliyah in her car. And with that, they left.

I got out of the bush. I realized the door was wide open. I went to the door and locked it. Its so sad to witness all of these sad incidents.

I'm sorry I couldn't help you.


-another update! so basically, this chapter is more about Aliyah and Sapphire's childhood and how Aliyah lost her dad.

So Sapphire saw everything? But why did she kept her mouth shut? Stay tuned.

Don't forget to hit the star button (☆^O^☆)

The next chapter would be posted the next day or the other next day or the other next day or later. lol. it depends.

xoxo, author.

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