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Aliyah's P.O.V

"Good morning, Jeon." I said as I took my sit and to my surprise Jungkook is already there.

Just to be clear, I greeted Somi not Jungkook. Somi is sitting behind me, while he is my desk mate and they both have the same surnames Jeon.

"Morning," she took a glance at me and back to the book she was reading.

"Good morning little princess," said Jungkook with a wide grin on his face.

"Please don't." I took out my book from my bag and started reading.

"So, your name is Aliyah?" he asked focusing on me, but I didn't give him a single glance. "Are you a foreigner?"

I rolled my eyes and started taking notes using my phone. I was finally forgetting the world when Jungkook suddenly grabbed my phone and book.

"Give that back!" I tried reaching for it. "I'm studying here!"

"Answer the question first," I stopped reaching for my book and phone and pouted. He cleared his throat and gave me back my things. "Don't do that again."

"No, I'm not," I sighed. "I was just born in a different country."


"Don't bother asking," I stopped him midway his sentence.

I focused on my book and started taking notes again. As I was studying, I felt he was staring at me, but as always, I refused to look at him.

"Aren't you gonna study?" I looked at him with the corner of my eye.

"Staring at beautiful girls is more fun," he rested his hand on his cheek. "Go back to what you were doing."

My cheeks flushed a rose color, I keep on studying and tried to ignore him. Minutes has passed and he's still staring at me.

"Jungkook, I'm gonna melt if you keep staring at me." I let go of my pen and crossed my arms.

He stopped looking at me and took his phone out and he started playing Piano Tiles. I grabbed my book and continued studying. I admit, I did laugh for a bit while he was playing, he's so childish. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a sound of a camera clicking, I didn't mind it and continued reading. 

"Thank you," Jungkook said. I looked up and saw him staring at something on his phone while smiling. When common sense hit me hard like a rock, I already realised what he did.

"Delete that!" I yelled earning a few attention from others and tried to grab his phone, but because of his long and slender arms, and me being small, I failed to do so. 

"No," he stared at the picture while smiling. "You look really nice here."

I stopped reaching for it and rolled my eyes and closed my book. What a rip off.


"Does your hands still hurt?"

Someone asked me from behind. I was heading my way to my next class when someone talked to me.

"I saw you at the bathroom yesterday, when you punched the sink," she said. "You must've been really angry."

"Who are you?" I asked her.

"I'm Hwang Sapphire," she lifted her hand for a handshake. "Can we be friends?"

"No." I didn't think twice when I said it.

"No wonder everyone calls you a bitch." she said as she looked at her perfectly painted nails. 

I clenched my fist and tried to hold my anger in me, but I just cant. "Look here, I don't know you, but if I really were a bitch I'd make your life a living hell, but instead I'll just sit back and watch you do it yourself."

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