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Aliyah's P.O.V

Jungkook opened the car door for me. We finally reached the building that guy told me about. Jungkook and I went in the elevator. I leaned my back on the wall as the steel doors closed.

Jungkook pressed the 23rd floor 'cause that's where we're heading. The doors opened and we went to my mom's office. Its been years since I've been in my mom's office. I think I was about seven or eight.

I opened the door and there I saw I man who's in his 20's sitting on my mom's swivel chair. "Good Morning Ms. Aliyah and Mr Jungkook."

"Hey," I greeted him informally. I don't have manners, my bad.

"Pease take a seat," he gestured us to seat on the sofa. "We're sorry for the sudden call."

"Its alright," I said and crossed my arms. Jungkook took my arm and uncrossed them. I glared at him, but he just mouthed the words 'Be nice.'

"I'll be getting into business now," the man seemed pissed by my rude attitude. "You see, we're looking for an heir. Yes, we know you're the heir, but you're only seventeen. You're still underaged."

"What are you planning then?" I asked, surprised that I actually cared about business.

"Look for your father," my eyes widen at his words. I didn't say a word and let him continue, he must've notice that I was interested. "Your father is still alive and he's lurking around the world. We couldn't trace him because his address keeps changing from time to time, but we are close to finding him."

Jungkook intertwined his fingers with mine. He knows how happy I'm feeling right now. "Is there anything else?" I asked.

"Yes. We're going to the Philippines,"

"What?!" Both Jungkook and I asked in chorus.

He let out a chuckle. "It'll be a three day trip Ms Aliyah. Our company has decided to go to the Philippines, there are some kids there who needs help and we volunteered. We're going to Ilocos, Norte."

"We're gonna have some help from the governor's son. He's a good kid with a kind heart and he's also your age. We tried collaborating with the owners of Jeon Diamond Residences, but they rejected it."

"Wait, my brother rejected it?" Jungkook asked in surprise.

"He did," the man replied.

"Wait, who is the son of the governor?" I asked curiously.

"Min Yoongi,"

"Yoongi??? I'm going on a trip with him??"

"Is there a problem?"

I turned quiet, but Jungkook broke it. "Well, if you don't have anything else to discuss we're leaving."

"Oh, okay then, drive safely," And with that Jungkook yanked my arm out of my mom's office. He pushed me in the passenger's seat harshly while he went to the drivers seat.

The whole car ride was quiet, but I broke it. "Jungkook, what's wrong with you?" I asked as I looked at his raging eyes.

"Are you really going on a trip with Yoongi?" he asked, his hands gripping hard on the steering wheel.

"Sounds like it," Is all my mouth could say.

"I'm gonna talk to my brother,"

"You don't have to," I said. "Its not like he'll do anything bad to me."

"Well, what if he did?"

"Jungkook, isn't Yoongi your best friend?"

He turned quiet, it took him long enough before he could answer. "He is."

"I've been talking to Yoongi these past few days and he haven't hurt me. I trust him Jungkook and its time for you to do the same." He parked his car next to my mom's in front of our porch. I took my seat belt off and made my way inside leaving Jungkook.

I don't know what's his deal with Yoongi. Its normal to get jealous, but isn't Yoongi his best friend? I don't know what's his problem. I'm going to that trip, whether he likes it or not.

I dashed to my room with my steps hardening in every step. I was so mad to the core I even pushed Snow away making him whimper.

I closed the door and went to the bathroom to clean myself. I changed to my usual casual attire and plopped myself to bed. I smiled widely to myself as I remembered what that man said.


My smile slowly fade away when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." my face turned gloomy. He entered with a not so happy expression on his face.

"Yah! Come here you big bunny!" I said, lightening the mood up and opened my arms wide for a hug.

His frown turned into a wide smile and quickly rushed to me with a wide smile. He hugged me tight making me wheeze.

"Jungkook, I can't breathe!" I hit his back endlessly.

"Oops sorry," he smiled sheepishly and broke the hug.

"You little kid," I ruffled his hair, teasing him. "Should we return you to the orphanage?" I teased, earning a smile from him.

It turned quiet, but I cant handle it so I broke it. "Listen, I'm going to the trip. I at least have to make a living, right? I can't abandon the company."

He caressed my hand before giving me a soothing smile. "I've thought about what you said earlier. I mean, I trust Yoongi hyung, but I couldn't handle without being without you even just for a day."

"Tsk. Lying is bad Jungkook," I snickered and went to the kitchen to find some food to eat. I made some sandwiches for Jungkook and I since we both didn't have a proper breakfast.

He came down after I was done making the sandwiches. We both made our way to the living room and busied ourselves with movies.

The movie was about a half way there when Jungkook's phone suddenly ringed.

"Hyung, whats wrong?" he asked.

"Oh, I'm in. No, I don't have any plans. Alright, see ya!" And with that he ended the call.

"Having a party with the boys?" I asked.

"Yeah. How did you know?"

"You were on speaker, idiot," I deadpanned, earning a chuckle form him, he wrapped his arm around my waist. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Good, then you won't be bored this weekend,"

"Yeah, but I'll still miss you,"

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