Recess (Chapter 2)

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Peeta's Pov

I have never seen such a beautiful girl in my entire life, Katniss Everdeen is my first ever crush. she has the most beautiful grey seam eye's in the whole entire world, the most beautiful elegent black hair which is so nice in a braid and the most georgous laugh ever, she is also very smart. I heard she has a boyfriend though so the odds aren't exactly in my favour, but it's worth trying to get to no her better i guess. 

I head down to my locker after 2nd period which was History to put my books back and get my new ones for my class after recess to my suprise i find Katniss there waiting for me, wait a minute how did she know this was my locker? But oh god here come the butterflys. 

Katniss's POV 

I think i was rather rude to Peeta in english so i though i might invite him to sit with the group at recess, I asked the front office to tell me what Peeta's locker number was so i can go wait for him, they said it was locker  number D12 by the History block wich is really funny because thats were my locker is. So i texted Johanna that i'll be a few minutes late and she said ok so i start to head down to the History block to wait for Peeta. 

Peeta's Pov 

"Hey K-Katniss" i say really nervously, I think to my self Peeta you can do this don't be a fool.

"Hey Peeta, i just wanted to say i'm sorry about being rude to you and i wanted to aske if you'd like to join us at recess?" she speaks so wonderfully.

"It's fine Katniss, and um s- s -sure i um would love to um join you for um recess" Im such an idiot calm your self down Peeta i think to my self. 

"Great, just follow me and i'll introduce you to the gang." she says quite happy. 

as we walk to the recess area i decide to ask Katniss how's she finding school

"so um katniss hows school going for you?" 

"Oh it's ok i guess, it's getting stressful though. thanks for asking though, hows school for you so far?" shes really cute

"well for my first day not so bad." i say back 


We reach the recess area and she intoduces me to everyone of her friends and her boyfriend Gale his name is. i don't know if it's jealousy or what but something just doesn't feel right to me about Gale. 

"Peeta this is Clove and her boyfriend Cato, this is Johanna Mason and her boyfriend Thresh, this is Dominique and Isabella unfortunatly there single at the moment, this is Glimmer and her boyfriend Marvel and this Finnick and his girlfriend Annie Cresta they've been together for the longest out of us and also my boyfriend Gale."


I go to my next class i have it with two of Katniss friends Johanna Mason and Clove i don't know her last name. 

(Time skip to thursday) 

It's the end of the week nearly and i have to say i think im getting used to Katniss but i still have a weired feeling about Gale, but as i said it's probaly just jealousy. 

Gales POV

Me and Katniss have been dating for 2 years now and i must say it's going preety well between us and we spend a lot of time together. I cannt wait till tommorow night, me and the boys are going out for the evening without the girls finally, don't get me wrong i love the girls to pieces but me and the boys just need some time to be teenagers you no? so i'm looking forward to that and also Christmas is coming up and i plan on getting katniss something special this year but for now im going to focus on tommorows night out. 

Hi guys hope your enjoying my story so far. I am sorry for any speeling, grammer or punctuation mistakes this is not really my area but i'm trying. 

Please leave comments on how im going so i can improve or make something happen best idea  will get a dedication towards them. 

Have a great week or weekend everybody and.........

May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour. 

xx ginnylover123

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