Long Time No See (Part 2)

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"oh hi," I say

"hey Katniss," he says

"Um so what are doing here?" i ask 

"Just came to say that i'm sorry." 

"Gale, we talk this over like a thousands times now, ok we are friends and i thought you were happy about that"

"i know i know but i miss our relationship." he says i am quite upset now.

"GALE! please, im with Peeta now just except it ok! look we are never getting back together" 

"I know, i know, can come in?" he ask

"Sorry no, i'm busy at the moment, i have a friend over and you are embarasing me in front of her, so leave!" i hiss then sandy comes through 

"Is evry-" she says then she sees Gale

"YOU BASTERED!" She says and without hesitation she slaps him right accros the face! i can't help but laugh 

"WOW!, What is with your friends and slapping me across the face?" 

"I don't know but leave please Gale and don't come back!" i shout and i slame the door in his face.

"Sorry about that Sandy, but OMG GREAT SLAP!" i say and we crack up laughing

we wach movies and talk for the rest of the day until theres another knock at the door.

"Hi." i say as it's a pizza delivery guy?

"Oh hi um heres your pizza." 

"Um sorry sir, i didn't order pizza." 

"Um yea you did, are you Katniss Everdeen?" 


"Girlfriend of Peeta Mellark?" 

"Um Yea.?" 

"Well then this is deffinitally your pizza, open the box" 

"Um ok" i open the box and on the pizza it says 

"Take my cap of." 

"Um ok," so i take the pizza guys cap of and as soon as i do he......................................

Kisses me full on the lips! 

I'm shocked at his actions then he pulls away and then i see his beautiful blue eyes! 

"OH MY GOD! PEETA!" Im on the floor laughing 


"you scared me so bad!" 

"I wanted to suprise you, sorry babe." he says lifting me up.

"It's fine, but lets just say you make one hot pizza guy!" i say winking and kissing him

"Oh yea don't you have a friend over?" Peeta says looking at Sandy who is laughing just as hard as i am.

"Oh yea this is my friend Sandy, she left Panem High before i met your sexy face." i say winking again,  he giggles 

"Aww you guys are to cute!" she squels.

"Thanks, anyways nice to meet you," Peeta says hugging sandy.

"You to" she says hugging him back.

"Hum, looks like you forgot someone !" i say in a hinting voice.

"Opps sorry baby," he says and he kisses me pationatly and spins me around

"Thats better, now can we eat pizza?" i ask 

"Yep, wait weres Prim?" Sandy ask

"Don't worry shes at her friends house." i say 


We eat pizza and Sandy goes home. Me and Peeta sit on the couch board as hell so he says what do you want to do and i say , play a board game? he says yea

so we play monopaly and now it's like 11PM so we head to bed,Peeta is staying the night but he sleeping on the floor becasue he dosen't feel comfortable. 

I kiss him goodnight but we stay there for a while the kiss starts to get pationat. 

our lips move perfectly in sync together. Peeta rolls me on to my side and takes my cheeks in his hands he then runs his hands up my back and i put my hands on his waist we stay like this for what seems like forever but only 20 minutes. 

"That was fun," i say giving him one more kiss

"Deffinitaly fun!" he says

"I love you, so so much." I say

"Oh Katniss, if only you new how much more i love you." 

and then sleep gets the better of us and we stay in each others arms for the whole night. 

Hey guys, hop you like this chapter i am really thankfull to animal-lover03    SandyKool48        Dracolover1   and Potter_Princess 

i really really am greatful for them. they mean so much to me  and i never want to let them go. 

Oh and i realised whilst writing this chapter that all the Hunger Games Characters do not belong to me and all rights go to Suzan Collins for creating these amazing people.  

i really wish they were real. 

Also today is the 1st of December so MERRY CHRISTMAS YA'LL to all who celebrate it and have a safe holiday! 

and God Bless Sick Children and Adults and to those who are unfortunate in the world. 

Anyways love ya all 

so don't forget to..................

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May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour!

xx ginnylover123

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