The Vist and Prim! (chapter

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Quick Authers note :)

Hi guys so my bestest friends Katie just updated her story and OMG it slayed me ! i was like blushing and laughing and just screaming it truly was amazing. in the story i am dating 'Josh Hutcherson" YAY!!!!! Cheek it out for me it's called "Zac Efron and Freddie Stroma are Spending the Holidays With Me!!!"

also credits to my BFF"S Isabella and Dominique xx love you girls :) and i always will xx 

Peeta's POV 

I am still so soooo angry with Gale right now, how could he do such a horrible thing to such an amazing and to beautiful girl like katniss, i tell you what if i was to ever get with Katniss i would cheerish her like a queen or a princess, she is just to good and inocent to be treated badly. 

I am also mad at my self for leaving her last night, she was so upset and i just left becasue i had to get up early to bake cakes! oh who am i kidding, i would have beaten up by my mother even if she wasn't there for satying late. Anyway's she's coming over today to talk things over, so i decided to be a nice friend and bake her some cheese buns and possibly steal a cookie for her to try and lift her spirits. Dominique, Isabella, Johanna, Clove, Annie and Glimmer are going to see Prim today to break the news to her so she doesn't have to witness her beautiful big sister crying in front of her. I got Katniss a flower as well, you know for personal reasons and i'm just about to go grab some flour from the basment when there a 'Ding' from the bakery, so i go to answer it. 

"Hi" the girl said. she seems to be in her teens. 

"Hello sweetie, how can i help you today?" i said happily. 

"My best friend Prim's big sister just got cheeted on and  Prim doesn't know yet, but me and our other friend Rue do as Katniss's friend Johanna texted me this morning to say there coming over at 1 pm to tell her, of course she doesn't know that but i tought it might be nice to get Katniss something to cheer her up a bit, you know because it's hard to being cheated on. so can i please have a cupcake with the smiley face wait no the one that has the heart on it please." she says so nicely, but i know exactly who she is talking about. 

"Of course you can, did you know that i know katniss as I was with her when she found out, we were at the park just talking and I said i had to go home, she walked me home and yea she found out. But of course we are not together, she was board cos everyone she knew was out so um yea, she texted me and all of that buisness." I say whilst handing her the cupcake. 

"Thank you, and WOW how amazing, my names Katie by the way, do you know how she is?" she ask curiously. 

"Um, well she's torn up about it, but she's coming over today to talk so yea. and by the way you are very kind and beautiful Katie." i say trying not to sound wierd. 

"Aw, thanks" she says blushing 

"Well thank you, see you soon um..... Peeta." she says reading my name badge. 

"Bye." i say it's already 12 pm, Katniss will be here soon, better get ready. 

(Time skip to when katniss arrives.) 

"Hello, Peeta are you home?" she say's aloud. 

"Hey" i say as i open the door and the first thing she does is throw her arms around me and cry. 

"Oh, Peeta, im so sorry about last night, how you had to witness all of that madness, you had nothing to do with it, but still you cared for me and comforted me i cannot thank you enough." she says in between tears and sobbs. i am shocked that she was hugging me so tightly but all i say is.

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