The Outing (Chapter 3)

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Gale's POV

It's Finally here, the boy's night out i've been waiting for, the week has gone so slow but amazing because i've got to spend it with the love of my life, Katniss. Katniss is coming over to say goodbye and stuff but right now i'm gonna take a shower and shave and all that kind of men stuff. 

(Time skip to after Gales shower)

After taking a shower i look through my wardrobe to find I have nothing to ware, the one thing i didn't think abut..... CRAP ! but then i realise no one else is dressng fancy i'm just gonna go with smart casual. i find a rather hot grey shirt wich then i decide to ware with  my best denim jeans and my mens wedding shoes which i wore to my aunties wedding a few years back, actually i'm suprise they still fit me, anyways i go to brush my teeth when i here a knock at the front door, i know it's katniss so i think to my self nows my chance to show her how sexy i am 

"Hi - wow..... you look really sexy!' she says blushing and grinning

"You thinks so, not as sexy as you though." i say whilst picking her up and spinning her around. 

"Ahh Gale stop that!" she says laughing i give her a long kiss which turns out to get passinate and loving until she eventually puts her hands up my top and our lips move perfectly in sync only breaking for air.  

We kiss for what seems forever but turns out to be 10 minutes then i realise im getting picked up at 6:30 pm and it's like 6:25. 

"babe i'm sorry but i got to go finish getting ready, i'll be back down in like 3 minutes okay?" 

"Ohhhhh, i was enjoying that kiss" she says all babyish 

"I know so was i but i got ready" i say sweetly giving her a quick peck on the lips. 

"Okay, im gonna go watch Nerve because it's like the best film of all times." she says all fan girly 

"No worries ill be down in 3" and with that i go and finish getting ready. 

When i come down i realise that Thresh, Finnick, Cato and Marvel are all waiting for me. 

"Hey boy's how's it going?" i ask cheerly 

"Hey man....... hey not to shabby looking sweet bro" Cato says real wired

"Cheers now lets go get our party on" i say real excited.  

"Let's do it!" the boy's all say 

"hey wait up got to say goodbye to the wonderful lady" i say trying to be cute

"Oh for god's sake, hurry up then" the boy's say

"Hey i heard that!" Katniss yells out

"Bye beautiful" i say giving her a kiss and hug

"bye, have fun don't get into to much trouble will you"

"i won't, promise." I say and with that i'm out the door about to get my party on ! 

Hey guys hope you're all enjoying it so far. 

just for future referennce there will be make out scense but nothing further than that because of young readers out there and becuase I kind of don't like writing about it........ so yea but please don't stop reading because of it my books going to be great in the future so yea keep on looking for updates and don't for get to.........




May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour 

xx ginnylover123

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