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Katniss's POV
Ok Peeta just finished the nursery and it looks amazing!

It's going to be an emotional roller coaster but I'm sure will get through it.
Johanna, Sandy, Dom, Izzy, Annie, clove and the rest of the gang left for the cruise last night and are on there way to Paris !!

I'm due in about 5 days now
I just finished cleaning Prim's room when I feel a very strong and painful kick in me, but it doesn't feel like a kick to me

"AHHHHHHHHH PEETA!" I scream in pain
"BABE! COMING!" He yells back and within 10 seconds he's by my side helping me
"What's wrong baby?" He ask me rubbing my back
"I - i -I think the. baby's coming" I say trying to stay calm
"Sh** really? Ok I'll be right back ok, I promise." He says sweetly
"Hey Peeta?" I ask
"Yes love?"
"Will you stay with me" I ask smiling at the memory
He replies with
He grabs the bag I packed for the hospital and bridal carries me to the car.
I'm crying buckets now because it hurts so much ! Peeta tells me to breath and that he's right here with me
I say ok and breath.

We get to the hospital and immediately put in a hospital bed.
"Ahhhhhhh!" I cry as another contraction comes on. Peeta kisses my forehead and holds out his hand saying to squeeze it when I need too.
A nurse comes.
"Hello mrs mellark, my name is nurse hawthorn but please call me glimmer."
Why does her sure name sound so familiar and her first name to?

" I'm just going to cheek how much you've dialated." She cheeks and says that I'm 5 cm dialated and I'll be able to push soon.

"Ok so looking good I'm just gonna write that in your folder." She says she picks it up and her eyes widen and then she looks at me? What ?

"Katniss?" She says
"Um yes ahhhhhhhhhhh!" I yell as yet another contraction comes on
"Sorry yes?" I say
"It's me, Glimmer from school." She says. Now it hits me !
"OMG I thou - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I scream as a contraction gets me I squeeze Peeta's hand so tight.
"It's fine I'll be back in half an hour or so to cheek on you ok." She says Peeta gives her a thank you because I'm crying.

Seconds into Minutes
Minutes into hours

Hours pass then it's


To push !!!!
Oh God !!!

They take me to the delivery room and then The midwives tell me to push when I feel another contraction
"Peeta?" I say
"Yes my love?" He says
"Stay with me?" I ask
He reply's with no hesitation with
"Always baby, always"
I lay there holding Peeta's hand, sorry let me rephrase that squeezing Peeta's hand so tight that I think I might cut his circulation off soon.

It's then that I feel a contraction
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" I scream because it frikin hurts !
"Well done Katniss!" One of the midwifes say
"That push would've given your baby a big nudge so things should be smooth from here." She says, she is kidding right? Cos um labour ain't smooth lady !

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I scream for the fifth time now it's starting to really really frikin hurt
"Com on baby, your doing great! It'll be over soon." Peeta says stroking my hair and squeezing my hand. I'm getting to the part where I wanna rip his head off !

"Probably just the labour, right ?" Peeta says to the midwives.

"Hahahaha oh Peeta, yes it is but um sounds like Katniss might be telling the truth here." They chuckle

"Katniss one more big push and your child's head will be out!" They yell at me

"Oh Fu**!!!" I yell as I push then the pain reduces and I see tears in Peeta's eyes
"Katniss, he or she is just gorgeous and looks exactly like you!" He says kissing my forehead

"That's nice honey but unfortunately IM STILL IN FRIKIN LABOR!" I yell sh** i did it again

"Sorry babe it just hurts so much" I cry

"I know baby, I know so close now." He says kissing my lips gently

"Okay Katniss give us 2 more big pushes and you'll be a wonderfull mother!" The midwives say

"Okay" I say
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I scream in absolute agony !

"Katniss that was great! 1 more we promise!" They yell

"Fantastic job baby!" Peeta says I can tell he's in pain because of me squeezing his hand so tightly

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I scream, but then the pain stops and I hear the cries of my beautiful baby.

"Well done baby, well done." Peeta cries.
He kisses me and hugs me real tight

"Fantastic job Katniss, here's your beautiful baby............
GIRL!" The midwives say
I then just burst into tears as my baby is placed into my arms.

"Sh-Sh-She's s-so Beautiful!" I cry

"I know, just like her mother." Peeta crys as well aww
"What do you want to call her baby?, your choice I'll love it no matter what she just so beautiful and cute !" He cries again

"I know how about.......
Rose Georgia Mellark." I say
And Peeta just kisses me and says


Rose Georgia Mellark

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Rose Georgia Mellark

Hey y'all !!!

Hope you like the chapter !

My friends are back from there camp now yaaaaaaay!!!!

Anyways don't forget to
May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour!
Xx ginnylover123

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