Telling the girls

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Katniss's POV
Someone comes running through the door and it's Prim !

"Katniss ! Are you Fu**** kidding me ! Your pregnant!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh I'm going to be an Aunty !!!! Ahhhhhhhh I'm soooooooooo happy right now ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" She keeps screaming I'm laughing and crying at the same time.

" Yea ! How did you find out though ?"
I say squeezing her
"I just arrived home and got to the front door when I herd, I'm pregnant and I was like DA Fu**"

She goes out of my embrace and walks over to peeta and does something I'd never thought she'd do !

She slaps him cross the face !!

" WHAT THE HELLS WRONG WITH YOU ! Getting my sister pregnant like that ! Without permission!!!" She yells at him I just couldn't stop laughing!

" First of all Primmy OW! Second of all you said to me when you tried to hook us up that you needed me so I thought I'd give you a ni-" but he's cut of with prim jumping in his arms

"Your the best brother in law ever!!! I love you l love you and I love you even more now !" She says he hugs her back

" Wait wait wait wait does This mean we're not going on that cruise?" She says kicking back into reality.

"Unfortunately not prim, I get sea sick and now that I'm pregnant I'll be chucking up buckets if we went so we're giving the tickets to the girls cos I think they all deserve a brake and it all be a good way to tell them that I'm pregnant!" I

"Oh come on ! Never mind and plus yea your right." She says

She watches movies and I get ready to go out with the girls

I'm driving to Joanna's house first cos that's were we meeting, I'm surprising them cos they don't know I'm here cos I'm supposed to be on the cruise

I get to Jo's house and knock on the door

"Surprise!" I say and Johanna falls to the floor

" OMFG ! Katniss !!!!!" She yells and pulls me into a giant hug

"Bit*** get your buts down here Katniss is here!" She yells
"Come in silly!" She says
"KATNISS !!!!" I here everyone yell !

I hug them all and say hi then the moment I've been waiting for has arrived

"So how was the cruise?" Jo ask me
" oh um we didn't end up going." I say
" Um cos I can't drink, I'll get sea sick, I won't be able to do half the things we wanted to do" just as the girls are drinking a glass of god knows what , I say

" Johanna already knows this but it's Because I'm pregnant!" I say and Annie just spits her drink out like a mad woman
" WHAT !!! ARE YOU FU***** KIDDING ME !!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! " they all yell with joy and hug me so tight.

" I frikin can't believe that that love bird got you knocked up ! I'm so frikin happy right now ! " Annie says

"So gimme the details girlfriend was it your first time you know alone with someone?" They all say giggly
" Girls I'm not giving you the answer to that because you already know it !" I laugh them Peeta rings

Annie snatches my phone off of me
And answers it! Oh hell no!

" Hey honey" Peeta says sweetly

" Hi Annie " Peeta says
" I wasn't planning on getting her pregnant it just happened now where's Katniss ?" He ask awww he's soooooooooo cute
"Right here lover boy"
" Babe ?" I say
" oh thank god your not dead yet ok good to see or hear," he says I laugh
"No still alive now was wondering should I still give the girls there gift after yelling at you ?" I say
" Yes ! Cos i can't stand them any longer!" He yells as he's on speaker
" ok girls you ready for this ?" I ask
" since me and Peeta can't go on the cruise and we brought extra tickets so all you girls can go!" I scream and there reaction is priceless!

"WHAT!!!!! WE ARE GOING TO PARIS !" There crying with joy and saying thank you like over a billion times we gossip and talk about our husbands and stuff when Johanna says something
"Ok so girls here's the thing Peeta's never been pranked right ? So I think we should act like we went out and Katniss got hit by a car or something?" "Com on please !!!" She says

"o my god Johanna ! No he'll have a frikin heart attack !" Sandy says

"That's the point Sandy !" Johanna says !

"Um girls shouldn't we run this by the person who's getting hit by the car ! The wife of the person who's being pranked !" I yell !
"No we are most certainly not giving my husband a heart attack !" I yell again
"Oh com on ! Please Katniss !" "You being pregnant makes it even more hilarious!" Johanna says

"Girls girls girls if we want to prank Peeta then we should hire the worlds greatest prankster!"

"Yes ! Your in! Who?" Johanna laughs

"Primrose Everdeen and her best friends Katie and Rue!" I say !

Hey guys what's up!!!!
Sorry haven't updated in a while

Some My best friends sandy and Katie help me soooooooooo much with this book and guys please go cheek there books out ! There called,

A New Beginning by Stepup_lover48 (sandy)


Holiday Trouble by animal-lover03 (Katie) I just got married to Josh Frikin Hutchenson in her book !

Love you all !
In the mean time vote comment and

May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour!
Xx ginnylover123

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