Pop! Goes The Question!

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Peeta's POV

Im sooooo nervous today, i really am. Me and Katniss Turned 25 two weeks ago her birthday is on the 24th of November (A/N this is not Katniss real birthday just a date that came to my head whilst writing) and mines on the 3rd of December.

I'v decided that i can't live without Katniss, she is just the most amazing girlfriend ever, she is smart, funny and extreamly beautiful so today i'm taking her to her favourite spot in the woods, The Lake. And I'm going to Pop the question, if you don't know what that means it means im going to Propose to her! Yep im going to make Katniss Everdeen Katniss Mellark, if she says yes which is why im nervous.

Prim knows already, as i asked her permision, she was hell excited and crying and hugging me it was like i was proposing to her.

I leave a note on the kitchen counter, saying

'Meet me at the lake at 10 am, dress nicley :)

love you always and forever

Peeta xx'

Then I left for the lake to set up the perfect proposal !

Katniss's POV
I wake up to realise that Peeta isn't with me,
I go down stairs and see a note on the kitchen counter saying.........

'Meet me at the lake at 10 am, dress nicley :)

love you always and forever

Peeta xx'

I am suprised but i do as the note says.

"Katniss?" Prim says

"Hey little duck," i say

"Hey i'm going out with Rory today, is that ok with you?" she ask me

"Of course it is, im meeting Peeta today anyway." 


we eat breakfast and then Prim leaves. 

I put my blue flower dress on with some white laced flats and my silver handbag. I braid my hair to the side and put some make-up on. 

I grab my keys and walk to the lake.

As i am walking i hear my favourit birds, mockingjays! 

I see a masive banner saying

'I love you!' 

i start to tear up

as i keep on walking i see another sign saying

'and i want to spend the rest of my life with you!" 

as i am near i see someone in the distance

but theres another sign.


i am litterly crying right now 

another sign

'will you," 

i no exactly what the next one will say! 


i run with tears in my eyes and then i see him on one knee holding a mini balck box with a diamond ring in it !

i jump into his arms and i say a thousand times

"YES, YES PEETA OF COARSE I'LL MARY YOU!" I say and he puts me down and places the ring on my finger and i cry even more harder because it is soooooooooo beautiful 

"Oh Peeta, it's it's beautiful! i love it and i love you!" i say crying my eyes out. 

"I' -" but i cut him off with a pationate kiss! we stay there for a while and then he picks me up bridal style and carrys me home, i never want to let go of my boy with the bread, yes that is my nickname for him becasue he makes the most amazing bread!

"I love you so so much!" i say kissing him one more time!

"Oh Katniss, if only you knew how much i love you!" he says kissing me back

we continue to walk, well Peeta continues to walk i get carried! and we watch movies not wanting to let go off each other. 

then theres a knock at the door...

Oh cliffhanger! 

anyways i hope you guys like it, i know its not the perfect proposal but i tried!

this one goes to two of my best freinds Katie and Sandavi ! 

animal-lover03 and SandyKool48 

i love them both and also huge thanks to all my other bffs ! 

Don't forget to vote, comment and.................

May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour! 

xx ginnylover123

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