In His Arms

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Katniss's POV 

I giggle as Peeta kisses down my neck

"Hey, stop it i have to go pee!" i say laughing 

"Of coase you do babe, hurry up and go then!" he laughs

"Ok who knows i may never come back!"

"Of course you will, you just can't resist me!"

"hmmmmm, yea you got me on that one," i say as i walk into the bathroom

i do my stuff and go back into the room, but Peeta isn't there 

"Babe!" i call 

"Peeta? where are you"

"here in the cake," i hear a soft but loving voice say (A/N Starving Games Reference! guys the movie is sooooooooooo funny!) 

"Oh i see well i'm going to get food, care to join me, fiancè?" i ask 

I was going to hide behind the bedroom door and scare him 

"Oh ok im coming hang on." he says i can't help but giggle 

as he goes to walk out the door i jump out and tackle him to the ground 

"Ahhhh! hahahhaha well done,"    (A/N my best friend SandyKool48 suggested all of this chapter! she is the most amazing person ever! go cheak her story out it's called A New Beggining) 

I kiss him lightly but it turns into a rather pationate kiss he rolls me off of him and runs his hands up my back i put my hands around his waist i whisper,

"I love you sos much" 

"I love you more" 

He kisses me pationatly and it sends shivers up my spine he trys to take my top off but i stop him,

"Peeta baby i love you, but i'm not ready for that, im sorry." i say hoping it won't hurt him 

"I understand i'm kinda happy just kissing your beautiful sweet lips," he says and he kisses me again a few moments later i think i hear the door open but i leave it 

Katie's POV

We go to Katniss's house with Primmy Girl (thats what i call her) and Sandy, katniss's friend. 

as we enter Prim calls her name but no reply, i hear giggling though 

"Lets go up stairs and find her, " Prim says 

"ok," me and Connor say at the same time I think to my self #relationshipgoals

"Awwwwwwwwwwwww," i say giving him a kiss, we walk up the stairs prim in the lead and Sandy following behind 

Prim knocks on the door and as we walk in Prim screams,


I laugh so hard that my face nearly falls off, Connor is laughing hard as well Sandy is just standing there like DA F (you no what i mean) and as for poor Prim she says 

"You just got bustered! sooooooo telling Johanna this!" 


"Hey girl hey! nice show!" she says giggling 

"Thank You for your consideration!" Katniss says laughing (A/N First games quote!) 

"Ha, well me and Connor gotta go, so catch yous all later ok?" i say as me and Connor are going on a date :) 

"Ok, see ya, sorry about that" Prim says  hugging me goodbye

"Don't worrry bout it bub, hey when are you and Rory going on a date?" i ask

"Soon i guess," she says 

We walk out of the house and walk to our date, which is at a beach

We set up our picnic and watch the sun set, i really hope i get my first kiss tonight (cringe) 

"It's beautiful isn't it" Connor says looking at me and putting a strand of hair behind my ear

"Yea it really is," i say blushing

"Not as beautiful as you though," he says and like on cue..........................

he leans in to kiss me! I dont hesitate to kiss him back, it sends sparks through me, My first kiss and it is perfect! 

His lips are soft and loving, as he pulls away he says,

"Your lips are sweet," 

"Thanks you no, that was the best first kiss ever!" i say giggling and blushing

"Wait, I was your first kiss?" 

"Yea, why?"

"Becasue you were my first kiss" he says giggling.

the rest of the night was amazing, we ate, danced and talked and also watched the stars sparkle in the night . 

He drops me home and walks me to my door, 

"Goodnight my sweet Katie girl," he says hugging me 

"Goodnight my loving prince," as he turns to leave i stop him

"Connor wait," and i lean in to kiss him, he doesn't hesitate to kiss me back, I pull away and give him one last hug

"I love you," He says 

"I love you more," i say back

I head to bed and let sleep take oevr me.

Katniss's POV

Me and Peeta head to bed as we are really tired, 

"Goodnight baby," he says kissing me lightly on the lips

"Goodnight" i say and i snuggle into him like i always do

I will do anything to be there in his arms...........

Hello my fellow tributes! 

I hope you like this chapter, 

I just want to thank 3 amazing poeole ! 

My two childhood BFF's Dom and Isabella Potter_Princess (Dom) Dracolover1 (Isabella) 

I love them like they are my sisters so please go and cheek them out! 

The last person i want to thank is my pretend sister Katie, she means so much to as she always reads my storys ! her user name is animal-lover03 so please go cheek her out.

In the mean time though don't forget to,

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May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour!

xx ginnylover123

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