Prim's Revenge

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( A/N  hey  guys sorry haven't updated in a while. but the song above is like Prim saying she will do anything for Katniss, so hope you like it :)  also this is dedicated to animal-lover03 Dracolover1 and Potter_Princess becasue i love them and i'll do anything for them!) 

Prims POV

I am still sooooooooooo pissed of with Gale for what he did too Katniss!,  i swear if he ever shows his face here again i'm gonna slap him so hard it might just knock him out! because i gave him my trust! i gave him my beessing to date Katniss and he just throws it away! well damm him! 

When i got home from shopping yesterday, Katniss gave me a warm and and a kiss, i swear i don't want to ever loose her. but something seemed different with her, she seemed happier or something? 

We had dinner and watched a quick movie before going to bed as we were both tired. 

It's 7:00am right now and i decide to make breakfast for Katniss and I. I make hashbrowns and eggs with a side of something special on Katniss's plate, a rose. and a note saying how much I love her. 

around 8:00am katniss is up and i hear her heading down stairs so i decide to suprise her and hide in the living room. 

as she walks into the Kitchen i hear her gasp

"What on earth, awww she's made breakfast for us oh i love her sooo much" i hear say. 

"Little Duck, were are you?" i hear say 

as she walks into the living room

"BOO!" i  scream 

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" katniss scream

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Oh Katniss your so gulable, i say laughing 

"Oh you little monster!, don't do that again!" she says laughing her head off.

"Did you like your suprise?" i ask hoping she'll say yes. 

"Oh Prim i loved it, your so sweet did you know that?, i loved it, i loved it oh and did i mention that I loved it!"  she says giggling 

"Well lets not stand on ceromony, lets eat!" i say giggling and walking to the kitchen. 

"Alrighty then" Katniss says 

we eat and Katniss finds the note.

"To the most amazing sister in this universe,

i love you sooo much that words can't describe it. 

i am so sorry that this happened to you, and i swear if Gale (Jerk! 😒) ever shows his face here again i'm gonna slap him so hard that he'll get kocked out! 

I am always there for you,  I swear on my life Katniss im am just a phone call away, a hug away or a kiss away.

I love you soo much Katniss Everdeen. and i always will.

Love always and forever

Prim xx" 

Katniss is tearing up now but laughs at the whole Gale thing which i'm glad about. 

"Oh little duck, this is so sweet, I love you so much more." she says with happy tears in her eyes and hugging me really tight.

"So hey i'm going out today with Johanna and the rest of the gang, is that ok with you?" sshe ask me which of course is fine by me as i have Rue coming over today as we don't have school and Katie is going out with her cousins. 

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