The Question of a Life Time!

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Ya'll know what chapter this is! 

this is dedicated to my friend Katie for always being there for me love ya kate. 

Katniss's POV

So going back to school today has actually made me happy as i'm seeing Peeta! 

Yes i now know my feelings for him and i really really like him! 

I try to make my self look nice with a little make-up and white skinny jeans and a pale green blouse and as per usual i braid my hair to the side. 

Prim looks beautiful as usual. 

i say good by and leave. 

i'm driving Prim to school but something seems different with her. She just seems like she knows somethings going to happen, i keep my thoughts to my self. 

"By little duck" I say smiling. 

"See Ya good luck today" she says winking 

ok somethings gonna happen and i'm not looking forwed to it! or am I? 

I arrive at school say hello to my girls and then i see...............................

THE JERK!!!!! and i can not believe what im seeing! 

He's walking towards with his new girlfriend!  Denice i think her name is. 

"Quick girls over here" i say and they follow me. 


"Annie it's fine i've moved on i found someone else" i say and then i realise i made a big mistake! 

"WHO! OH I KNOW IT"S PEETA!" they say laughing.

"Oh shut up!" i say 

"I'm heading to English, see you all later." i say and i head off in the direction of my class when i see.......................

a banner saying, "Katniss,Just follow the arrows!" 

I'm shocked and a little embarrased but i do what the banner says.  i keep on walking and then there is a path of rose pettals leading me to my destination. 

I don't believe this! 

I'm blushing and a tear comes out my eye because i think i know whats gonna happen. 

I hear my favourit song playing, "Flashlight" By Jessie Jay. 

i keep on walking and i see my english class i walk in side and i see................................

Peeta holding a bunch of flowers! 

"OH MY GOD PEETA, WHAT IS ALL THIS FOR?!" i say with happy tears pooring out my eyes. there is flowers everywear.! 

Peeta walks over to me hands me the flowers and holds my hands.

"Katniss Everdeen, from the moment i first layed eyes on you i fell in love, i was so happy that suh a beautiful girl was sitting next to me that i thought that i would have a shot with you, but then i heard you were with Gale and my chances were  blown.  on the friday that you asked me to go to the park with you i felt so special you have no idea, and when you walked me home i felt so god dam happy it wasn't funny then you got that call and i was so mad and angry and upset with Gale. We started hanging out together and they were the greatest times of my life. It was then that i realised that i was head over heels for you and i wanted to be with you for the rest of my life, So Katniss Everdeen will you give me a shot of being your boyfriend?" 

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