The Hospital

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Prim's POV
The last thing I remember was blacking out and a massive sharp pain through my head.
My eyes open and see my sweet sister Katniss and my future brother in law holding my hands and sleeping
My head is soooooooooo sore !
I mumble
" Ka-Ka-Katniss? "
I see her eyes open.
" Prim ! Oh my prim your awake Peeta she's up !"
Peeta head shoots up
" OMG ! Prim ! "
Katniss is hugging me and kissing me and crying
" I thought you were going to die !
You scared me soooooooooo badly!
I thought you weren't going to wake up I had to scream at the nurses to let me have another 5 hours with you before they would cut your supply off " she crys
" what do you mean never wake up ? "
I ask,  my head is in agony 
" it's ok little duck ill explain everything how are you feeling? " Katniss ask me
" my head really hurts"
" ok I'll go get the doctor "
" thanks babe " Katniss says
Katniss explains everything that happened after Peeta said he was taking us on a Cruise.
I take it all in and then the doctor comes in. Oh God !

' Ah Primrose, My favourite patient.' Dr Cinna says
' You say that to everyone!' I say my head is soooooooooo fudging sore !
' I mean it when I see you ' he says back
I really like him
' Now your brother here tells me that your feeling some discomfort? "

I nod in agreement and with a definitely face
" He's my brother in law actually and just chop it of your put me in a bomb because the amount of pain in in its like being hijacked with Tracker Jacker  venom."  I say giggling
Katniss laughs and Peeta just squeezes my hand whilst Katniss rubs my legs and sits next to Peeta
" Wait he's your brother in law ? Wow Katniss you got extremely lucky !"
Peeta blushes
" yea I did doc and I can't take my eyes of him, I just can't and this ring makes me this ring makes me the happiest woman alive." Katniss says and without she gave him a big kiss, it was adorable at first then it got more deeper and then Katniss puts her hands on his cheeks and he puts his hands on her waist then I just had to stop it even though I was in agony!

" guys I'm the one in agony here get a room the pair of you! "

" sorry sweet stuff " Peeta and Katniss say

The Doctor runs some test and gives me some special meds to kill the pain.
He gets a wheelchair fit for me Peeta being Peeta offers to by me anything that I want as a get well presented on the way home And Katniss signs papers and before I know it we are home and eating dinner. My favourite.........

FISH and Chips!

I go to bed and let sleep take over me !

Hey y'all ! Happy Boxing Day!
Hope you had a wonderful day yesterday.
Hope you like the update and enjoy the rest of your holidays.

In the meantime though
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May 2017s Odds Be Ever In Your Favour !

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