I Love You

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Peeta's POV

We are going to see Johanna, Annie, Clove, Glimmer, Isabella, Dom and all the guys today for a catch up. 

I think we are having a BBQ at Cloves house i'll have to cheek with Katniss. Prims coming as well as Katie is out with Connor and Rue has family plans. 

I go upstairs to find Katniss when i hear Prim talking to someone.

"Yea ok, i got to go get ready for the day," 

"I love you to, goodbye." 

I hear her say, i can't help think that shes dating someone. I

I decide that its rude to assume things about people so i go and find Katniss.

I knock on the door, 

"Babe, can i come in?" i ask

"Yea, of course." she says 

I walk in and i cannot believe my eyes! she looks absolutaally goergous! 

"Hey, you look stunning sweetstuff!" i say kissing her

"Aw, thanks you look really handsome." she says kissing me back.

"Hey i was wondering are we going to Cloves?" i ask


"Oh and do you know if Prims dating anyone?" 

"What! no why?" she says concerned

"No no i just overheard her say 'I love you too' thats all." 

"Oh ok, well im not sure" she says 

"Cool beans baby, now we said we would be there by  11am and it's 10:30am so lets get our buts in the car." 

"Ok, PRIM!" katniss yells out


She walks in with her phone and handbag.

"Now lets go Katniss!" Prim mimicks


we drive to Cloves house her and Cato just moved in with each other so yea it's Coves and Catos house.

we get there and walk into the back garden and Johanna anounces our pressence.

"Ladies and Gentlman the Love Birds of District 12 have arrived! and they are now going to roll their eyes and come over and give me a hug!" she says and we go to see Jo Jo, thats what i call her.

"Sup Jo Jo" i say hugging her

"Hey lover boy, sup brainless" she says 

"hey Jo" 

We say hi to everyone else and then i go find Finnick and the others. 

"Hey Ya'll!" i say 

"Oh look who it is, Lover boy! Hey buddy!" Finnick says giving me a quick hug.

"So hows the lady?" he asks

"Fine, enough about me and Kat, when the wedding bro!" i say jockingly 

"hahah your so funny Peeta! and i'm working on it i guess." he says

 A few hours later after talking and laughing the foods finally ready. 

I go find Katniss over by the chairs with the girls.

"Here babe" i say giving her a plate of food and a quick kiss

"Oh, Thanks babe," she says kissing back i sit next to her and join in the conversation about celebrities. 

It's 9:30 pm and i'm rather tired so i ask Katniss if she would like to go home or stay.

"hey babe i was wondering if you want to go home, i'm really tired and i want to sleep, but if you want to stay thats fine by me?" i ask kindly 

"Yea sure, i'm tired as well so i'll come home." she says hugging me and kissing me, we find Prim who is talking to Hannah, Johannas little sister. 

We say goodbye to everyone and head home.

Katniss goes to get her pjs on and i go to get changed in the bathroom. 

We snuggle up together and watch a quick tv show then Katniss says.

"Oh, i forgot to say goodnight to Prim." she gets up and walks to her room.

Prims POV

I'm reading a book in bed when my phone rings,

It's Rory, yea i'm dating him! and i feel really guilty dating my sisters ex brother, i havn't told Katniss yet and i'm planing on telling her tommorow. 

"Hey" i say

"Hey, how are you?" he ask

"I'm ok i guess." 

"Why whats wrong?" he ask 

"I havn't told Katniss about us yet, and i'm kindda worreid that shes gonna hate me after i tell her." i say 

"Hey hey don't worry, i'll tell her if you like, i'll do anything for you and you know that." he says, boy i love him.

"No, i'll tell her, thanks though." i say, then the worst thing happens! 

Katniss walks in!

"Ok, look i got to go Kat is at my door, Yea I love you too" i whisper 

"hey sissy," i say 

"So, who was that?" she ask me 

"Oh just um Rue," Oh no what have i done i hesitated 

"Oh really so it wasn't a boy or anything was it?" she ask and all of a sudden i just burst into tears 

"Oh Primmy, whats wrong bubby? something happened at school?" 

"No um Katniss what i'm about to tell you might make you hate me or think i didn't care about what happened two years ago but please know that i love you and i did care! so  please don't hate me." i cry in her arms. 

"Ok, i can never hate you no matter what happens ok now tell me," 

"Ok,  im, im umm dating Rory Hawthorn," i say, Katniss just smiles and hugs me.

"Oh Primmy i'm happy for you bub, shocked but happy!" she says kissing my forehead 

"Really, your not messing with me, tell me the truth please Katniss." i say 

"Oh ok, im happy for you, really i am, you are so beautiful and i don't see how boys don't like you but it's just that to me what ever the older sibling does the younger sibling does and i just don't want you getting hurt, your my little duck and you will always be, i just can't stand seeing you hurt, i love you" She says

"Oh Katniss, i promise you that if he does anything to hurt me i swear i'll let you kill him" i say jokingly 

"Haha, ok well goodnight miss hawthorn," she jokes whilst tuking me into bed. 

"Night Mrs Mellark" i say back laughing. and with that she kisses me goodnight and leaves the room and knowing that my sister is happy for me i let sleep take me over. 

Hey Ya'll so guess what! I have had an amazing week so far and it's only Monday!

I'd like to thank SandyKool48 animal-lover03 Dracolover1 Potter_Princess for everything, they mean so much to me and i don't think i'd survive without them. 

in the mean time though, 

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May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour! 

xx ginnylover123

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