The Big Suprise

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Peeta's POV

She said YES! i cannot believe she said YES! i am so happy right now.  i'm walking her home when i see Prim and her friend Kate and some other boy.

"Hey, isn't that Prim?" i ask

"Oh, Yea it is,  LITTLE DUCK!" she yells 

we walk over to her and say hi.

"Hey guys." we say, katniss hugs prim

"You little duck have some very big explaining to do!" 

"SUPRISE YA"LL, So you guys dating now," she says jumping up and down

"No!" Katniss says but i know she's playing a game. man i love her.

"Wait WHAT!" Prim says worried.

"I don't believe what you did Prim, not cool ok!" katniss says Prim is almost about to cry.

"I -i-im sorry." she says crying 

"OH LITTLE DUCK DID YOU THINK ID SAY NO TO THIS FACE!" Katniss says laughing and hugging her


i'm laughing now. "Prim, it's fine" i say giggling 

"So um Katie who is this?" i ask her

"Oh um this is my boyfriend, Connor." she says blushing 

"WHAT!" Katniss yells 

"Oh congradualtions ya'll" she says hugging katie and shaking Connors hand, i do the same.

"Oh and also Prims doing!" Katie says giggling.

"Well what can i say, i'm a love maker! now don't just stand there! WORSHIP ME YA'LL!"  She says and we all just fall to the ground laughing.

We go inside and we watch a movie, We watch a movie called "Another Cinderella Story"  

(A/N my little brother and I love this film!) 

"Hey Peeta" Katniss says

"Yea?" i say whilst playing with her beautiful hair

"I'm kindda hungry, how bout you?" she ask me

"Totes" i say mimicking her voice 

"Haha your funny" She says scarcastically 

"Hey girls and boy, do you fancy fish n chips?" I say

"YEA!" They all say

I go to get my wallet to pay for the food when i hear Prim, Katie and Connor go upstairs. 

30 seconds later someone covers my eyes and says"Guess who?" 

"Um, is it my lovley girlfriend Katniss?" 

i turn around and within one second later her lips crash on to mine. 

"haha, PEETA! you are not paying for our dinner!" She yells as she sees the  money in my hand. 

"Oh yes i am!" i say then i pick her up and spin her around! 

She agrees to let me pay after like 10 minutes of laughing and tickling her. 

When come back from the fish n chip store. no ones home?

"Hello?" i say aloud \

"GUYS!" I'm starting to panic now


i go to cheek her bedroom upstairs and as i turn the corner.......................

"BOO!" I hear i jump back hitting my head on the wall.

"Oh Crap Peeta are you ok?" Katniss ask me worried.

"I'm really sorry the girls came up with idea after Connor left,i'm so sorrry!" she says

"All i'm gonna say is you betta run  cos the last thing i do is run and tickle you guy!" i say and withthat Katniss laughs and says

"Well come on then lover boy!" and with that i chase her and the girls down the stairs. 

After 10 minutes of tickling and laughing we eat dinner and the girls go upstairs and me and Katniss watch a romantic comody "Love Actually"  

Today has been great! 

I'm dating Katniss Everdeen , the girl of my dreams! 

and i'm now cuddling with her on the couch 

My Life Has Changed! 

Hey Guys hope you liked it, 

I won't be updating till probably next week Wednesday 

So in the meantime

Vote, Comment and 

May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour!

xx ginnylover123

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