The Park and The Phone Call (Chapter 4)

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Peeta's POV

Katniss's boyfriend Gale and his friends are going out tonight and i have a bad feeling about it, i don't know what its but he doesn't seem to treat her right and i know i can treat her better, he just doesn't to take her thoughts or feelings into account. I mean i shouldn't complain becasue I just know it's jealousy eating me up but still, who would be jealous of who evers dating the lovely Katniss Everdeen she is just so perfect in every way and her girlfriends love her (Katniss friends that are girls :) ) but the boy's just don't seem to  treat her right but right now  i something to be excited about................ Katniss just texted me !

Texting Katniss

"Hi Peeta, I was wondering would you like to come to the park with me? Gale's gone out and the girls are at cheerling practise so yea i'm board and need some company :)

xx Katniss."

I don't believe it Katniss Everdeen wants me to hang out with her I immediately text back.

"Hi Katniss, i would love to hang out with you, what park and what time?

Peeta x" i send the message and realise i put an X  at the end of mt name, Oh no im such an idiot ! i go to say sorry about it but it's to late.

"Yay!, Thank's Peeta just the park nearest to my house and now if you'd like.


Ok i'm doomed ! I'm gonna get butterfly's im goona stutter im just gonna sound like a idiot. 

I grab a jumper cos it's cold out and I also grab my key's and head out to meet the girl of my dreams . 

"Peeta!" Katniss yells out as she realises i'm looking for her. 

"Oh hey, couldn't find you." i say so far so good with nerves. 

"That's all right" she says and to my suprise she hugs me, she actually huged me!

"Um, thanks" i say blushing a little. 

"Haha, do you want to go on the swings?" She asked, knowing that i blushed. great!

"Sure, the swings are my favourit." i say trying to act natutral. 

We get on the swings and she asked me something i thought she'll never ask me.

"Hey, Peeta, do like looking at stars? because i see one that reminds me of you ha." she says driifting in to lala land.

"Um, i guess but how does it remind you of me?" i ask hoping she won't say something that will make me act stupid

"it reminds me of you becasue your like a star, your smart and kind and you have really nice personallitys." she says really cutely 

"Um, thanks Katniss you have so many bright featurs like your beautiful, smart, funny and so kind." Wait, what, what did I just say oh great!

"Thanks Peeta" she says blushing. shes adorable when she blushes. 

"Your welcome, look i hate to braek up the fun but i have to go, my mum will hit me if i'm not up early to decerate the cakes tommorow." 

"Wait, your mum hit's you, Peeta i'm sorry." she says looking really sorry. 

"It's fine and it's not your fault." i say 

"Peeta, this may sound crazy but......... Will you stay with me?" she says blushing like crazy 

"Um, i guess." i say but then i say something i will deffinatly regret 


"Thanks, i'll walk you home." she says hoping i'll say ok thanks.

"Ok, thanks." 

we are walking back to my house when she gets a phone call. 

"hey Jo," she says 

"KATNISS I"M SO SORRY ARE YOU OK? DO U WANT US TO COME OVER?" johanna screams across the phone.

"Um girls i'm fine whats wrong?" she says concered 

"Wait you don't know, oh crap!"  johanna sounds like she's about to cry 

"Jo just tells me,  whats happened?" she says, really concered 

"Thresh just saw Gale with um another, no i cann't say it!"  johanna is like crying now 

"JOHANNA MASON JUST TELL ME ALREADY!!!"  Katniss yells down the phone 

"Ok i'll tell you............ he saw him with another...... Woman."  Johanna is like balling now and i cannot believe what i'm hearing!

I don't no what to say or do all i can see is the hurt in katniss face and all of sudden she just falls to the ground and balls her eyes out and all i can think of doing is hugging her and holding her. 

i'm seroius i'm gonna kill this guy! 

HA gotcha ! 

Hope you're liking it so far, i am trying. 

Vote, comment and................

May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour. 

xx ginnylover123

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