Long Time No See

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(A/N Hey guys, really sorry for not updating in ages! also thank you for over 100 views, means alot!) 


Katniss POV

Today i'm going on a date with Peeta, i really really love him he is the sweetest thing on earth. I think he is taking me on a picnic or something, but i really don't care as long as i'm with him. 

We all graduated 5 weeks ago and i must say im loving the free time i have to spend time with my amazing boyfriend and my best friends who i love so much.

I'm laying in bed then all of a sudden my phone rings....................

It's Peeta.

On the phone

"Hey Baby," i say sweetly 

"Hey hon," he says back, somethings up, his voice is different 

"You ok?" 

"Um not really, i have some bad news," He says this makes me really nervous

"Oh, ok what is it?" 

"Ok look i was really looking forwed to our date, i had a whole thing that was going to happen but my uncle from America is here so mum said i have to spend time with him and i have to cancal on our date, i was so pissed of with mum and i am so sorry, please don't hate me." 

he says and its like hes going to cry but the fact that he is makes me happy becasue it means he cares.

"Oh Honey, i'm not mad i can never be mad at you, it's ok i'm still in bed anyways i love you and we can go on many dates, trust me, it's  all ok i promise." i say 

"Oh my god, thank god, i was so scared that you were gonna be mad and stuff, well look baby i really would love to hear your beautiful voice for longer but i have to go shopping with my uncle so i'll see you later ok." he says his voice back to normal.

"Ok, baby i'll see you later i got to take Prim to school anyway,"

"Ok bye" 

"Bye" and he hangs up

I see its 8 am, CRAP! Prim needs to be at school by 8:30 

i get up and get dressed in some sweat pants and a t-shirt. I then go down stairs and see Prim eating breakfast.

"Hey, im so sorry litlle duck, got  caught up talking with Peeta, are you nearly ready for school?" i ask

"Hey,it's all ok, and nearly i made you breakfast by the way, it's in the microwave." she say, god how much i love her.

"Aw, thanks little duck, but you didn't have to." i say kissing her forehead.

i take my breakfast out the microwave and i see it's my favourite, eggs on toast with a note say

"Love ya!" 

"Aw, Thanks Little Duck but i love you more!" i say kissing her forhead again and sitting to eat my wonderful braekfast.

"Ok, you nearly done because i have to go?" Prim ask me

"Yep, just got to go and clean my teeth and i'll be right down ok" i say back

"Ok then" 

When i come down the stairs from brushing my teeth Prims talking to someone on the phone.

"yea yea, i got to go i'll see you at school ok," then she hangs up

"Who was that?" i ask 

"Rue," She says back but i know shes lying because she is blinking non stop

"Oh ok, now get your little but in the car so you can go learn stuff," i say smaking her bum as she walks past me, she laughs

I come home from dropping Prim of and i burst out crying with happy tears because..............................




I get out the car and practically run to her.

"OMG OMG OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE YOUR HERE!" I say crying happy tears still. 


"OH SO HAVE I SANDY, SO HAVE I, PLEASE COME IN AND WE WILL DISCUS UTTER NONSENCE" I say i then open the door and invite Sandy in.

"So would you like anything to drink?" i ask

"Um yea sure" she says 

"Cool, what would you like?" i ask

"Some tea would be aweosme." she says giggling

"1 pot of tea coming up" i say putting the kettle on.

"Oh my god who is he!" Sandy ask pointing to the picture of me and Peeta 

"Oh thats my botfriend, Peeta Mellark" i say blushing

"Oh my god, hes so hot! wait, wern't you with Gale Hawthorne though?" she ask 

"Yea, i was until i caught him snogging some other girl, and then i met Peeta." i say giggling at the thought of being with the boy of my dreams.

"OMG! i'm so sorry" she says giving me a big hug

"It's fine, it was like 2 years ago" i say 

"Anyway are you taken? i don't see how your not, your absolutally goergeous."i say 

"Aw thanks, but yea i am taken!" she says excitedly

"OMG! give me the gossip girl!" i say laughing 

"Ok ok ok, i call him squiral becasue i find it cute but his real name is.............."  she whispers his name in my ear. 

"Oh cute!" i say then theres a knock at the door

"sorry i'll just go get that, go make your self comfortable in the living room and i'll be right there" i say 

"Ok" sandy says 

i go to open the door and its....................................................

Haha clifhanger! 

hope you like it guys! 

in the mean time though............

Vote, comment and..................................... 

May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour! 

xx ginnylover123

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