The Bakery

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Rue's POV

I really love Prim, she is so willing and caring to everyone, if your need anything Prim is there, if your sick, Prim is there and if your having a bad day Prim is there. She is just so kind, as we walk to The Bakery Prim tells me what happened and why we are going to The Bakery, and it's all for her amazing sister..... Katniss, my points proven!

"So yea, that's why we are helping her." Prim says catching her breath. 

"WOW, that is really sweet Prim" I say awing 

"Thanks" she says 

we get to the bakery and theres a woman at the counter. 

"Hi, How can I help you" she says

"Hello, Um I was wondering is Peeta here?" Prim ask

"Um, Yes he is, i'll just go get him." the lady says, politley 

"Thank You" Prim says 

"Here he is" the lady says coming back to the counter 

"Hi" Peeta says 

"Hi Peeta, i'm Katniss's Sister, Primrose" Prim says introducing her self 

"Oh my god, your Prim, Katniss talk about you so much." says Peeta smiling. 

"Yea im Prim and im sure she does. Oh and this is one of my best friends Rue." she says and I wave.

"Hi" i say

"Hey, so um what can i do for you?" he ask us

"Can we talk in private?" Prim ask

"Um sure, this way, back soon mum." Peeta says leading us away from th bakery and waving by to his mother.

"So, whats up" he ask.

"Um, so we or I was wondering, do you like my sister as in like like?" Prim says 

"Well um, YES!" Peeta says blushing, i giggle

"What, YESSSSS!" Prim says excitedly 

"Wait, why are you asking me this,WAIT!, do not tell Katniss that!" he says panicing 

"No no no i'm not going to, it's just she is so happy latly which is wired to me becuase she broke up with Gale like 3 nights ago and she would be preety upset about something like that and I can't help wonderng that it's because of you." Prim says smiling

"Prim, trust me, she will not be happy because of me, she has a lot of frriends remember, and sure i was there on the night that they broke up but thats just because i was just with her." Peeta says. 

"Look I know she has a lot of friends, but Peeta you don't understand after you left yesterday and after all the times you finished hanging out togther she has just been soooo happy you have know idea. I came from shopping with Katie yesterday and she was singing and smiling like she used to and trust me people don't get over cheating break ups that quick!" Prim says raising her voice a little.

"Well ok, but what do you want me to do?" Peeta ask 

"Well, isn't obvious? I want you to at least consider asking my sister out." 

"WHAT! Prim she doesn't even like me!" Peeta says shocked 

"Yes, she does Peeta, i can tell she has look in her eye that says i miss him and i need him when you leave and i'm going to ask her. Just please Peeta, i need you, you make my sister really happy and i want it to stay that way. Just please." Prim pleads 

"Well, um i want to date her, but i'm not sure she's ready to be in another relationship yet? but if you ask her if she likes me then i'll consider it." Peeta says

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