Not Just a Stomach Ach

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Peeta's POV
I don't know what's wrong with Katniss lately but she's been acting really moody and because I love her with all my heart I try to talk to her but she just seems to push me away and I thought to my self that she's a
Lady Peeta they have these days so let her gather her thoughts and let her come to you.

I'm cooking dinner when I hear vomiting noises from the bathroom
I race up stairs and open the bathroom door to reveal my gorgeous wife chucking up
"Crap, baby what's wrong ?" I ask her holding her hair back
" just a stomach ach, I'm fine, I promise "
I say ok and kiss bed lightly then she just launched her self into me a crys and crys and tells me how sorry she is and everything I just shh her and tell her it's going to be ok.

Katniss POV
I'm pregnant!
I'm 100% sure that I'm pregnant!
I know the signs and symptoms and I'm so happy that I'm going to be a mother but I just don't know what Peeta's going to say or how to tell him.

I ring Johanna and tell her my situation and she crys with joy and says do what your heart tells you and I want to know what changed her cos that ain't Jo!

I realise that Peeta told me that he loves to reveal packages and I come up with the worlds greatest idea !

I run to the store grab a pregnancy test and a cute sunset orange box one pink baby onesie and a blue one

I run home and take the pregnancy test and

OMG !!! I'm going to be a mother !

I cry with happiness!

I fold the onesies neatly and put them in the box I place the pregnancy test on top and put a sticky note saying
' open me'

Johanna comes over we hug and cry and talk then

Peeta walks in

" hey baby!" He yells
" hey sexy il in the lounge room " I yell back
" hey lover boy!" Johanna yells
" hey Jo ! I'm just going to get changed ok"
" ok " I say and j wink and Jo

Peeta's POV
I go upstairs and see a box on my bed
Um ok
It's says
' open me'
So I do
And I open it to reveal




Holy sh**

I'm going to be a father !!!!!!!!'

I grab the pregnancy test
Run down stairs
walk slowly in to tej lounge room and Katniss has the biggest grin on her face !

" Are you serious?" I say not smiling
I think I'm gonna play with her and act mad

"Surprise !!!!" She yells " are you mad?"
" Kat I can't believe this " I say acting real mad
" I just don't believe this!" I yell then she just starts to cry and say sorry and that she thought I'd be happy, which I am

" Stand up Katniss !" I yell
She stands up with tears in her beautiful eyes
I Walk over to her throw the pregnancy test over my shoulder kiss her full on the lips and spin her around
" your not mad?" Katniss says
" Mad! No of course not ! I'm going to the father of the girl of my FRIKIN dreams ! I've dreamt of this day since 5 !!!! Oh my god I'm going to a father!" I yell and kiss her and kiss her
" I can't tell you how much I'm in love with you right now !"

Katniss is crying with happiness and so is Johanna !

We kiss and tell each other how much we love each other
Someone comes through the door screaming!

And it's .......

Hi guys !
New update !

Turns out imma keep
My story

Soooooooooo Katniss is PREGO!!!!!!!!

Who could the screamer be !

Love y'all and see y'all soon !

Guys my friends......Wait what ! Friends !
Their the most amazing, beautiful, funny, smart and caring people ever!!!!!!

And there names are

Katie, Sandy, Dom and Isabella !!!!
animal-lover03 Stepup_lover48 Dominique_Dejager and Dracolover1

By guys

My sweet Katie girl who I love more than life isn't gonna be at school for 2 whole days !!!!!!
Imma gonna miss you Katie !!!!

In the mean time guys
Vote, comment and
May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour!
xx ginnylover123

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