The Visit to Peeta (Continued)

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Quick authers note

Hi guys I just want to say thank you to my one of my Best Friends Katie, she is one of the most talented and most beautiful person that i know. she has always been there for me throughout the story and i'm happy to say i've reached over 60 views YAY!! anyway when you read this Katie i just want to say thank you for everything you do for me and how honered I am to have a friend like you. good luck with your story and guys she won't be updating till she gets 300 views so please get behind her story it's called "Zac Effron and Freedie Stroma are spending the holidays with me"  so please go  cheek it out it's sooooooooooo amazingly good. also cheek out one of my other bestest friends book she has been through everything with me and i cann't thank her enough her user name is Dracolover1 her book is called "Hermione Zambini" so please go look her up as she is truly amazing to me.  

Peeta's POV

When we get up stairs I realise that i have a bunch of dirty cloths on my bedroom floor and i'm absolutally humiliated ! 

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry please don't think any different off me, i was just really busy this morninng so i did't have time to clean my room, i'm so sorry." i say really really embarased 

"Peeta, it's fine, my little sister Pri - " but she stops?

"OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, i forgot to ask how she is, oh how stupid of me, oh my poor girl she must be in tears and wondering where i am, oh no" she says rushing to get her phone out.  

"Katniss, i'm sure she's fine, the girls have probaly talked to her and comforted her, so im sure she's fine."  i say reassuring her. 

"Oh Peeta, you are so kind, but i'm just gonna have to give her a phone call, wait a minute she would have texted me to ask were i am, oh no where is she and why hasn't she got her phone?" she says almost about to cry.  she rings Prim crossing her fingers and preying to god that she will answer. 

On The Phone

"Hello, Prim is that you little duck?" she ask relived that she answered.  

"KATNISS!' i here Prim say

"Oh my sweet thing, are you ok, your not hurt are you, why didn't you text me, PRIM! you scared me!" she says relieved that she is safe.

"I'm safe and sound don't worry, and i was so angry and upset about what i heared that i forgot, im so sorry."  i here Prim say crying.

"Oh my little duck, don't cry, shhhhhhh,i promise you prim i fine please son't cry other wise i'm gonna cry and im at a really good friends house,  oh prim, sweetie i'm ok, i promise." she says soothingly, but i can't believe that she said that she is at a 'very' good friends house. 

"Please come home Katniss I want to hold you and hug you, i'm so upset that I want to be in your arms." I hear Prim cry.

"Oh Prim, of course i'll come home it's just that i just got to my friends house and i needed to talk with them." i hear Katniss also sheading a tear. 

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh,it's ok Prim, It's ok." Katniss says trying to calm Prim. 

"Ok, but please hurry back, just please." Prim says

"I will little duck, i will." Katniss says before hanging up. 

Back To Peeta's POV

"Sorry about that" she says, i don't know why she's appoligising. 

"It's absolutly fine katniss, you have nothing to be sorry about about, now how are you feeling?" i ask 

"Ok, but right now, right at this very moment i am soooo angry and pissed, i could care less about him cheating on me, i got over him last night thats for sure but, the way he hurt Prim I could never forgive him for, never" she says angrilly 

"I understand" i say back 

"I just wanted to thank you Peeta for everything you've done for me since last night, i don't no how to repay you honestly, you are the most kindest, warm hearted person i have ever met and you were the only one who was there to hold me last night and i cann't thank you enough." she says hugging me. 

"Katniss, i would do anything for you and you should know that, i know we've only know each other for like 6 weeks but they've been the best weeks of my life." i say stroking her back. 

"Aww, thanks Peeta, i really am greatful but i think i should go becasue i promised my sister i would be home soon, so do you mind if i go?" she ask me. 

"Of course, i understand completely, i hope she feels better when you get home , good luck." i say and i walk her out the door and wave goodbye. 

"THANK YOU PEETA!" she yells out and i give her a wave to say no problem. 

and it was that very moment i fell depretly in love with the one and only Katniss Everdeen. 

Hey guys, i know short chapter but i wanted to say thank you for 60 views, means a lot to me. 

Update headed your way very soon. 

but in the mean time. 

Vote, comment and.................

May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour. 

xx ginnylover123

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