The Big Day !

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Peeta's POV
Today is the best day of my life !
Today I am making
Katniss Rose Everdeen
Katniss Rose Mellark !

Which has been my dream since like FOREVER!!!

Katniss didn't want to have a hens night or anything she just had the girls ( Johanna, clove, glimmer, Dom, Sandy and Izzy )
Over for a movie night
I said she could have one but she said if I had one I want to get drunk and I don't want to do anything stupid like kiss another person and stuff
I said she was being stupid but she insisted so I let her off just because I am in love with the world sexiest and beautiful woman ever !!!!

We are having a big wedding !
There are going to be a tone of people there

All the girls listed above are brides maids which cost an absolute FORTUNE! But I'm only going to get married once right so I didn't give a crap ! My beautiful sister in law Prim is Katniss's maid of honour and Katie and rue are also brides maids
Prim recovered really well from her accident which I'm pleased about

Finnik is helping me get ready which I find wired but he's my best man so again I didn't give a crap !

Cato and all the others are also going to be standing with me at the alter.

" there you go bro ! Sexy ass beast !
But unfortunately Josh Hutcherson beats you just because he is a great actor and like soooooooooo hot ! " he says giggling!

" OMG please don't mention him !
Prim's friend Becca is like obsessed with that guy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She's always like
OMG he's so FRIKIN hot and sexy and if he new I existed he would kill Jennifer Lawrence so he could Marry me !
( A/N I FRIKIN Love J - Law !!! She is no joke my favourite actor ! Please go see her new film passengers! It's going to slay !!!
But Josh Hutcherson is all time celebrity Crush !! I FRIKIN love him ! Ain't nobody gonna dis my man ! )

I mean I love prims friends but they are like way over obsessed fan girls ! " I say spraying some after shave on

" haha !
I think I'm ought to be friends with her! Now let's go we are going to be late !

Ok Peeta it's time to make Katniss Rose Everdeen your wife !

Katniss's POV
Prim ties the ribbon on my dress and I can't believe my eyes !

" oh Katniss you look absolutely beautiful!" All the girls say

" I can't believe it ! For the first time I look not hideous ! "

" Not one bit ! Oh if only mum and dad were hear to witness yours and hopefully my wedding day! "

I embarrass my little duck in a tight hug,

" I know "
She starts to tear up
" hey now no tears yea, it's my big day !"  I say kissing her  for head

" I'm sorry but I'm just amazed on how beautiful you are ! You are always so beautiful and if Peeta was here he fall to his knees at the sight of you !" She says !

" aww Primmy, now I don't want to be late so let's go change my last name to Mellark ! " I say grabbing my bouchée and prims hand.

We ride In the horse and carriage at the ceremony and I get butterflies in my stomach !

Peeta's POV
The music starts and I am getting butterflies in my stomach as all the girls walk down the isle beautiful as ever ! I think to my self if they look soooooooooo beautiful what is Katniss going to look like ? Then I think
What the fudging hell are you on about Peeta Mellark ! You are marrying the most beautiful and amazing woman and you care about her looks ! Dam you !

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