Charming Criminal [1]

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Light Yagami was late.

You clicked your tongue against the roof of your mouth, brows slanting as you ticked off the minutes you were supposed to be spending with that inconsiderate, egotistical little brat.

"From that face, I gather I'm on your mind?"

You glanced up from the table, unfolding your arms with your brows still painting a frown. Instead of replying, you merely darkened your features, making sure he recognised the full extent of your irritation.

"You're late," you told him bluntly, your heart spiking as he dropped his bag in front of you. You pushed it aside with a grunt.

"Sorry," he deadpanned, "I was a little preoccupied." His lips quirked into an odd smile, eyes growing hazy as he focused his gaze over your shoulder. Brushing off his strange behaviour, you gestured impatiently to the papers strewn across the table. Some were crumpled underneath Light's bag, so you took a moment to smooth out the creases whilst he settled into the seat opposite.

"So, what're we looking at today?" He asked, throwing an uninterested glance over the papers.

You shoved one toward him, unblinking as you fixed a nonchalant stare to his face. "Algebra."

Light jutted his lower lip into a pout, stretching his arms behind his back. "Hm. Algebra," he mumbled distractedly, sliding further down in his seat.

"Okay, what's going on? Are you going to tutor me or what?" You said, tapping the paper with your index finger.

He shrugged lazily, brown locks dusting his face. "Sure. If you really want to do Algebra..."

"Yes, I would," you said bluntly, dipping your head to avoid his eyes. Something about him was unnerving today. You couldn't quite put your finger on it, but you sure as hell didn't like it.

With another shrug, he dragged his gaze from your face and began shuffling through the papers. "Right, let's start with the fractions. It's rather simple really," he rambled, pointing to the first question. "First you need to simplify it, and then complete the equation." He scribbled a few notes onto the paper with his pencil, his gaze flickering between you and the page to make sure you were following his instructions. "You see?"

"Uhm, sorta," you mumbled, trying to discern his slanted script at the angle the book was twisted.

Chuckling under his breath, he turned the page to fully face you and sat back in his chair. "Look over it for a few minutes and then try some of your own."

Frowning at the array of scribbles, you studied Light's method before transferring it to the next question. The boy's soft brown eyes were on you the whole time, trailing slowly over your face as you worked. Occasionally, they'd dart over your shoulder and a smirk would tug at the corners of his lips, only to fade once he turned back to look at you.

Something was definitely going on with him.
Most tutor sessions he would work alongside you, pausing his own revision when you needed an explanation. The meetings were strictly educational-based, with a sarcastic remark thrown in here and there. He seemed too laid-back. Too... secretive. As if he knew something you didn't.

Without speaking, you finished the last question and slid the page over to Light. His eyes lingered on you for a long moment, before dropping down to the paper. He nodded and murmured words under his breath as he checked your answers.

"All correct; well done [Y/N]."

Flashing him a dry smile, you took the paper from his hands and began stacking the other documents. "Since you were so late, that's all I have time for today," you remarked, hooking your fingers through the strap of your bag and swinging it onto the table. Light remained seated, watching as you shoved the papers behind your school books.

"Okay, okay; I said I was sorry," he said sulkily, climbing out of his seat.

You drew a hand up to your mouth, suppressing a yawn. The light was already beginning to fade beyond the library's arched glass, staining the sky a sullen blue.

"Guess I'll see you tomorrow," he said with a goofy smile, tucking his chair under the table. You stared at him blankly, failing to return the gesture as he turned on his heel and strode in the direction of the doorway. Just as he did, however, you noticed a scrap of blank paper flutter from his back pocket, landing neatly in the middle of the floor. With an exasperated sigh, you called him back and bent to retrieve the page from the carpet.

"[Y/N], wait!" Light cried, just as your fingers brushed the paper. A sudden light-headedness made your eyes water and, for a split second, the world spun around you.

When your vision finally focused, a scream caught in your throat, heart tripping over itself.

Light stood paralysed a few metres away from, his face ashen and his jaw hanging ajar. Behind him, however, was what provoked the sudden influx of fear in your bloodstream.

A monster floated a few inches above Light's head; its skin was coloured a sombre blue, lips of a darker shade drawn into a wicked smile; a row of jagged teeth protruded from its gums and blood red eyes followed your every move with intense curiosity.

Before you could scream, Light had his hand pushed against your mouth, his eyes pleading.

The noise died in your throat, replaced by heavy panting as Light released his fingers and allowed you to breathe. "Don't scream," he said quickly, snatching the paper from your hand and tugging frantically on your sleeve. He pulled you out of the library at a half-jog, the creature floating silently beside his shoulder. A shiver traced your spine as it smiled at you.

"Oh, come on. I'm not that bad," it rasped, combing back its ebony hair.

"Oh shit, it speaks," you squeaked, not paying attention to where Light was taking you until a door clicked shut and a thick darkness fell around you.

Light fumbled around in the gloom, before a light clicked on and slnated yellow light cut across the room. He'd dragged you into a storage closet.

The creature squeezed in beside you both, and you tripped back over your own feet as its leathery skin brushed your arm.

"Uhm, Ryuk. Maybe it's best you wait outside," Light said in a hushed voice, his eyes downcast.

You watched the creature pass through the doorway like a ghost, muttering exasperatedly under its breath.

"Light, what the hell is that thing?!" You exploded, only to receive a sharp glance from the boy opposite.

"Keep quiet," he hissed, tucking the paper back into his pocket. You eyed it warily, shuffling your feet as you tried to shake the monster's gruesome face out of your head.

"What is this... Ryuk?" You asked in a quieter tone, though no less shrill from the shock still coursing through your veins.

Light hesitated, pinching the bridge of his nose. You'd never seen him so frustrated - so helpless. Light Yagami never lost his cool.

"Ryuk..." his voice dwindled, and his eyes caught your for a brief, confused pause, "is my pet."


Death Note belongs to
Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata

PUBLISHED | 14th November 2016

Just a note; the writing style and plot of this fanfiction gradually gets better the more you read on, so please give it a chance and don't be turned away by the rubbish first half.

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