Charming Criminal [31]

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Light's P.O.V

Light paced restlessly outside the main room, deep in thought. He was in a tough spot at the moment, and you were starting to become more of a risk to his plans now that you'd been taken in for questioning.

L had no concrete evidence that you were the second Kira and he knew that. The only reason he was still holding you here was to gain some leverage, use you as bait for negotiations. But L wasn't going to get his way so easily. Light had grown to like you a lot, but his intentions as Kira always came first, no matter what. Hopefully, L underestimated just how much he thought you meant to Light, because it was less than either of you thought.

But at the moment, Light needed you on his side. You knew he was Kira and you could easily tell L everything if he messed up and lost your loyalty to him somehow.

He cursed under his breath. Why had he been so hasty in trying to prove that he cared about you. He should never have killed that man. Screw that, maybe he should never have told you who he was in the first place. What exactly had he been thinking?

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Light barely stirred when he heard the door open and then slide shut behind him. "Light."

He sighed, not turning around. "Dad. I can't believe you let L go through with this. [Y/N] is innocent!" He cried, throwing out his hands in frustration as he turned slowly to face the Chief of Police. "She has absolutely nothing to do with this."

Soichiro Yagami nodded, his hands coming together in front of him, clasped tightly. "Light, first you need to calm down. Think rationally," he said, his voice even, fatherly. Father first, Police Chief second. That's what he always used to say, but this case had changed a lot of things in Light's life, as well as his father's. This case had changed the whole world. "If [L/N]-San is innocent, she'll be out of there in no time. Ryuzaki's reasoning is logical, and he's the best damn detective I've ever met. Give him a chance to do what he does and once he sees the truth, you can take her home okay? But please son, don't do anything reckless."

Light nodded wordlessly as his father clapped him firmly on the shoulder, then turned and returned to the room.

Ryuk sniggered behind Light. "What an earful," he teased, but Light hissed at him to shut up from the corner of his mouth. "So, what are you going to do about [Y/N]?"

Light kept his lips sealed tightly and gave a subtle jerk towards the camera he knew was trained on him. The Shinigami looked up and made an 'O' with his leathery lips, and then started cackling again. "Don't want it to look like you're talking to nothing. I see. Hahahahaha."

"Tch." Stupid Shinigami.

Matsuda and Aizawa were both sat on the sofa when Light walked back in, while L, Mogi and his dad were stood by the monitors, speaking to you in hushed tones that he couldn't hear from here. From the screen that displayed you, you didn't seem too distressed. You were keeping relatively calm, your breathing even and your voice steady now that you had overcome your initial panic. Good girl, Light thought, folding his arms and drumming his fingers against his elbows. Keep calm, give nothing away, and you'll be out of there in a heartbeat.

The brunet decided to not bother listening to the interrogation. It would only annoy him further, or make him seem smug and suspicious. It was a situation he hadn't planned for and he didn't trust himself to remain completely stoic while listening.

It took the better part of two hours before L reached the obvious conclusion you weren't the Second Kira and had no more information to give, and decided to let you go.

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