Charming Criminal [28]

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A/Nhi you should check out my death note one-shot book okay bye >w<

"Shouldn't she have woken up yet?"

Doctor Shimizu was stood next to you as you anxiously bit your lip, her dark ponytail swinging when she reached over to check your mother's pulse, holding two fingers to the crook of her neck. "The sedative must be mingling with some of the painkillers. It's normal for patients to have a long sleep after a trauma like this. The rest of her is fine," she assured you, though her voice sounded wary as she adjusted the wires snaking along her arm and strapped an oxygen mask to her face. "She's stable. Now all we need to do is wait."

"Can't we wake her up now?" You asked, still digging your teeth into your lip to stop your voice from wavering. You wanted to hear it from your mum that she was fine.

Light gave your hand a squeeze and you wondered briefly when he'd started holding it.

"Waking her up might induce panic and confusion. We don't want to risk causing stress in case it opens up the stitches and starts another bleed."

You swallowed, turning to look at her. The doctor said she was fine but she still looked ill. Her skin was a sallow and waxy-looking, her hair framing her face in thick clumps. Her eyes kept fluttering beneath her lids as if she was fighting to open them, but Shimizu had said that's because she was in REM sleep.

"She'll be fine," Light mumbled behind you. His fingers were stroking your wrist, an absent gesture that made you shiver and flush simultaneously from the contact of his skin.

"I'll go and get a nurse to change her dressing," Shimizu said, taking the clipboard with her this time. Her brows were furrowed and that made your throat burn with panic. When you glimpsed the actually wound your throat closed up completely, making it hard to breathe. A deep laceration near her hip, the skin around it broken and bloody.

When the nurse had finished tying the fresh bandages and left, you turned to the Shinigami. "Ryuk, is she going to d-die?" You asked, your voice hitching at the last second.

He turned to look at you lazily, face blank. Light started but you cut him off with a firm shake of your head. "Everyone dies," was his answer.

"[Y/N]-" Light tried again, but you shook him away.

"I mean is she going to die like this?"

Ryuk's face remained unchanged, his eyes droplets of blood. "That's not for me to say," he said eventually and you barked out a cry of frustration. The doctor had said she was fine but something wasn't right. She should have woken up by now.

You didn't realise when you started crying. All you knew was that something wet and cold suddenly started sliding down your cheeks, glistening like footprints frosted in the snow. Light pulled you into a hug and you stood and cried against him for a good few minutes.

"I think it's time to get you home. The hospital will call as soon as there's an update."

"Why isn't she waking up, Light? She should be awake by now."

The brunet hushed you, his fingers in your hair, soft and delicate, a touch that could solve anything. "The doctor said she'll be fine," he said simply. "Come on. I'll call my dad to give us a lift."

Charming Criminal | Light Yagami ✓Where stories live. Discover now