Charming Criminal [24]

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"So, when do I get to meet this girlfriend of yours?"

You were both currently the only ones in the library, trying to catch up on your studies in the hushed silence that the room seemed to be perpetually trapped in. At your question, Light furrowed his brows so that he looked vaguely confused. He set down his pen and bridged his fingers beneath his chin, looking at you carefully. "You want to meet her?"


"Why?" He scoffed, and you felt slightly put off by that.

"Well, why not? We're friends, aren't we?" You answered casually, chewing on the tip of your pencil, which was already fairly chewed from your nervous habit. You'd been puzzling for ages how to get intel on his 'girlfriend', and figured the best way was just to meet her first. Although Light wasn't looking all too pleased about that.

"Yeah, we are, but still..." He fumbled into a sigh and shrugged, but his lips remained pursed. "Fine. If you really want to."

"Great!" You said a little too enthusiastically, dropping your eyes back down to your work. Relieved that was over with, you carried on in silence for a few more minutes until you got stuck again. "Hey do you know what the answer is to this question?"

You tapped the paper and Light tutted, not even looking up. "Figure it out for yourself."

"Aw, is someone getting grouchy," you teased, poking his cheek with the tip of your chewed pencil. He swatted it away.

"No, I'm not. I just... I have a lot on my plate at the moment," he said, and you bit your lip, watching him from the corner of your eye. The edges of his eyes were bunched up into little wrinkles and he kept chewing on his lip, a habit you'd noticed him do when he was stressed about something. His eyes had taken on that distant look again too, that look of otherness, of being elsewhere. Glancing down at his notebook revealed he hadn't even filled a quarter of the page in the hour you've been working; his writing was lopsided and messy, as if he hadn't really been paying attention to what he was doing but just moving his hand for the sake of it.

You set down your pencil again and plucked his out of his hand, forcing him to look at you. "Light, is everything okay? You've seemed a bit... out of it all morning."

"Really, I'm okay," he insisted, giving you a strained smile that stretched unnaturally across his lips. "But, uhm, do you think you could come over tonight? I need to talk to you about something."

"Will your girlfriend be there?"

"What? No," he said irritably. "I just... need to talk to you, okay?"

"Okay, okay," you agreed, wondering if whatever he wanted to say was what had been bothering him all morning.

* * *

You ended up meeting his girlfriend on the way out of college. You were walking in silence next to Light, scrolling through the news on your phone as you usually did, when you were interrupted by a childish 'Light-Kuuuun.'

You both stopped walking and you lifted your eyes from your phone to look at the girl in front of you. The way she was looking at the boy next to you, you had no doubt in your mind that this was Light's girlfriend, and you couldn't stop your jaw from falling open. "Light, your girlfriend is Misa?!"

"Misa-Misa! That's me," the model sang, giving you a little twirl. "I'm Light's girlfriend. Who are you?" She was smiling, but her eyes were hard and staring at something just over your head, and you took an involuntary step away from Light.

"[L/N] [F/N]," you introduced, trying to keep your voice indifferent and not too strained. "I'm a college friend of Yagami-San."

You saw the boy visibly grimace from the corner of your eye. You'd gotten used to calling him by his first name, but you assumed his girlfriend wouldn't be too pleased if she saw how friendly you were with him. Although compared to the pretty model, you didn't pose too much of a threat. And there was no way Light saw you like that anyway.

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