Charming Criminal [3]

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Light P.O.V

[Y/N] touched the death note!

Goddamn it. How could he have been so careless, leaving a piece stashed in his back pocket like that. Now you could see Ryuk and it probably wouldn't be long before the rumours started spreading.

Light slammed his fist against the desk, the pen pot toppling onto its side and sprawling stationary across the table; ink smudged across his latest piece of homework, but he paid no notice.

Appearing unfazed by the mess, he began pacing the length of the room, tapping his chin with his index finger and allowing his gaze to wander absenmindedly.

"Whatcha thinking?" Ryuk asked, hanging upside down from the ceiling with an apple between his teeth.

"I don't know," he mumbled, squeezing closed his eyes in order to clarify his thoughts. "I don't know if I can trust her to keep you a secret."

"Just kill her," the Shinigami said lazily, tossing the apple core in the direction of the bin; it missed, bouncing off the wall and rolling over the carpet. Ignoring it, Light fixed Ryuk with a scowl. "I'm not killing her," he clarified, shaking brown locks over his eyes. "Innocent people aren't part of Kira's plan. Plus, it would look suspicious. It would draw attention to the college and that's something I'd like to avoid."

Ryuk muttered under his breath, searching for another apple. The bowl was empty. "Aw, we're out of apples!"

Light rolled his eyes, slumping into his desk chair and spinning it round. "I'll buy some more tomorrow. Can't you go a day without one?"

"No, I can't. You've seen what happens when I don't eat apples," he reminded him, floating grumpily over to the window and watching rivulets of water streak down the glass. The pattering of rain sounded soothing to Light as he pulled out the drawer and retrieved his Death Note.

"Just remember," Light asserted, flicking the lid off his pen and setting the nib to the next clean page, "you're my magical pet now.


Students began filing out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang. Packing his things away with a distracted frown, Light joined the throng of people trying to manoeuvre through the corridors and broke out into the main courtyard, a soft breeze ruffling through his hair.

He was itching to get his hands back on the Death Note, desperate to pass judgement on the unworthy souls polluting the world - his world. The world he would cleanse and call his own.

A malicious grin scorched his face at the thought, and Ryuk spared him a peculiar glance. "You look scary when you do that."

Distracted by Ryuk's mutterings, Light almost tripped over someone crouched on the floor, noticing them just in time to swerve to the left and stumble into a wall. He quickly recovered himself, dusting down his coat, and glanced across to see you glaring at him, an irk mark evident by your temple.

"Watch where you're going, idiot," you snapped, smoothing down your hair as you rose to your feet.

Light threw up his hands defensively, fixing you with a sheepish smile. "Sorry, [Y/N]-San," he apologised, indifferent to your insult. "I didn't see you there."

Sighing, you adjusted your bag as your eyes flicked over Light's shoulder, eyeing Ryuk warily. "Does he just follow you around all day or-"

Light reached forward and abruptly grabbed your wrist, pulling you away from the students clustered around you. You struggled to free your arm, your breaths quickening as he dragged you to a more secluded area of the courtyard. "You need to keep quiet about Ryuk," he urged, forcing you to meet his eye. You did so reluctantly, finally pulling your arm out of his hold. "If people find out about him, my entire reputation is ruined."

A light smirk dusted your face. "So... am I the only one who knows about your little pet?"

"Yes," Light said irritably, shifting his weight. You seemed to be enjoying this too much, especially considering there was more than just his reputation at stake here; if word got out and people started making connections, it would be the end of his new world. "So just... don't mention it, okay? And don't talk to him when other people are around," he added, flicking Ryuk's nose as he suddenly loomed over his shoulder.

"Not that I'd talk to him anyway," you scoffed, crinkling your nose. "What if I did tell someone, though? What would you do?"

Light looked at you sharply, his eyes hardening. There was only one option he could think of at the moment, and he wanted to avoid it at all costs. Although he doubted you'd make the connection between him and Kira, he couldn't let you get too suspicious.

Your smirk faltered at that strange glint in his eye - it was similar to the look he'd adopted during your tutor session. You closed the distance between you and Light with a few short strides, arms loose by your side. "Are you hiding something else?"

Light's jaw stiffened, his palms growing sweaty. Keep it cool, he urged himself. You can't let her get too curious.

"Of course not," he dismissed, waving his hands idly. "Don't be so suspicious of me."

"Says the guy with the magical floating pet," you deadpanned, folding your arms across your chest. Ryuk snickered quietly.

Tutting, Light stooped closer to you and quirked his lips. "Are you hiding something?"

"Like what?" You challenged, shuffling your feet.

"Like, I don't know, your feelings for me?"

You bared your teeth, cheeks darkening under his accusations. "Go to hell, Yagami," you said testily, already backing away from the smirking idiot.

"Are we still on for tomorrow night?" He asked, loud enough to attract the attention of the students passing nearby.

Your nostrils flared as you stopped and flashed him a glare. "I can find a new tutor, you know," you threatened.

Light shot you a wink. "Ah, but none are as good as me."

Charming Criminal | Light Yagami ✓Where stories live. Discover now