Charming Criminal [4]

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Your P.O.V

Despite your reluctance to attend, you had another tutor session with Light the following evening. Dragging yourself through the library doors after the other students had deserted the school, you sighed through your nose as you caught Light smirking at you from his usual seat by the window, arm slung lazily over his chair and Ryuk floating over his head.

"Afternoon, [Y/N]-San!"

"Yagami," you returned coolly, eyes darting to Ryuk with an arched brow. "Let's not get distracted this time, okay?" You mumbled as you pulled out the chair opposite, retrieving your notes from your bag.

"I'm sure that's difficult with me around, huh?"

You shot him a pointed look, unsure of what he was hinting at. "What, with that bumbling pet bat behind you? Not distracting at all," you played casually as you stacked your papers and set them out on the table.

Ryuk gave a start. "You think I'm a bat?! I'll have you know-"

"Shut it, Ryuk," Light intervened hastily, the corner of his eye twitching.

You spared them both a sceptical glare, before handing the paper over to Light. He accepted it nonchalantly. "Now talk me through that. C'mon, I haven't got all day." You tapped your foot quickly against the base of your chair, on edge under Ryuk's unnerving sanguine gaze that always seemed to be trained on you.

Humming under his breath, the brunette cast his eye over your messy notes and tried to explain them in a simpler context. He stole a glance over the page every now and then, his eyes finding yours, before you'd drag your gaze away and order him to continue.

"You look tired, [Y/N]," he said suddenly, and you lifted your head to peer at him under heavy-lidded eyes.

"I'm fine."

Light fixed you with a scrutinising glare, lowering the paper. "You don't look it," he pressed with a dry smile.

You lifted your shoulders, diverting your focus to the desk, eyes tracing over the scratches and indents that had been made over the years. "I'm fine," you repeated more forcefully. "Would you mind continuing?"

With mild resistance, he launched back into his explanation, which you barely paid attention to as the library's warm air coaxed you into a daze.

"Did you get all of that?" He prompted, slanting his brows.

"Mhm. Thanks Light," you mumbled, taking back the papers as he held them out to you. "I think I'm going to head home now. I'm getting quite tired."

Shrugging on your jacket, you grated back your chair and nodded at the brunette. "See you later."

"Hey, wait a sec!" He called, hastily swinging his bag onto his shoulder and shoving his chair under the desk. "It's dark out. I'll walk you home."

"Oh, I'm okay," you said, suddenly snapping awake. Light was offering to walk you home? That was a first.

Brown hair tumbled into his eyes as he took hold of your wrist. "I insist. You have a way to walk, no?"

You shrugged, seeing no point in arguing. If he was willing to go out of his way to walk you home, you might as well take advantage of that. "Fine. If you insist. Though you can carry my bag too," you added with a faint smirk.

Rolling his eyes, he took your bag without a word and strapped it over his shoulder. He followed you out of the library with his hands stowed in his pockets, looking down at the floor.

Any attempt at conversation that followed was dismissed immediately by your short, blunt answers that more often than not led to an uncomfortable silence.

"Not much of a talker, huh?"

You rolled your shoulders, kicking a loose pebble with the toe of your shoe. "Never had anyone to talk to." You quickly pressed your lips shut, brows furrowing. Why did you have to let that slip out? Now it sounded like you were pity-seeking or something. "Uhm, whatever." You quickened your pace a little, knocking past Light and walking ahead.

"Hey, don't walk away! What did you mean by that?"

Your shoulders tensed, but you didn't look back. "Nothing. Just drop it."

Light clicked his tongue, glancing sidelong at you. "Nope. Why don't you have any friends?" His tone wasn't mocking or unkind, but you still anticipated some element of spite to the question.

"I do," you replied stiffly, turning to face him. Your eyes shifted suddenly over Light's shoulder, to Ryuk. He wasn't throwing in comments or sniggering to himself like he usually did; now that you thought about it, he hadn't said a word since leaving school.

"I never see you hang around with anyone other than-" the rest of Light's remark was drowned out beneath the sudden drumming of your heart. Something had suddenly caught your attention - a flash of movement on the adjacent street, drawing your eyes to the shadows hanging from the porches of the houses opposite. You thought you'd seen somebody following you earlier, but had brushed it off as merely a shadow.

Now you weren't so sure.

What if it was the same person? Were they following you?

Ignoring Light, you stared fixedly at the shadows for a few seconds and - there! There it was again, the briefest fluctuation in the shadows. Someone was definitely there.

"Light?" You said calmly, your eyes finding his in the haze of dusk. "I think someone's been following us."

Ryuk perked up at this, jostling forward to speak between you. "I noticed that too. He's been following you for a few days."

Light's jaw rippled, eyes flashing dangerously in the dark - they looked almost black. "And you didn't think to tell me earlier?"

Your heart quickened in your chest, gripping you with diziness. "A few days? Do you know who it is?"

Ryuk shrugged and rolled away, muttering to himself. Light's brows were still furrowed, but he didn't seem on edge at all. You were surprised he was able to keep up his composure; he had, after all, lost it when you'd first discovered Ryuk. "No idea. But don't worry, I'll talk to my dad about it - he's Chief of the NPA."

You bit your lip, no less alarmed. What if they were planning to hurt one of you? "Never mind walking me home. Will you be safe?"

Light had the audacity to smirk at you, eyes glinting. "Oh, so you do care about me?"

His teasing demeanour eased your panic a little, and you turned your head away from him. "No. But if I'm the last person to see you alive, then I'll be the number one suspect," you justified.

Light flashed you a grin, ruffling a hand through his hair. "Don't worry. I have complete control," he assured you, his voice suddenly adopting a hard edge that made your heart spike. "This is your house, right?"

You looked about with a start, realising you'd both stopped outside a familiar squat building with an unkempt lawn of grass. "I'm not even going to ask how you know that," you muttered with a nervous chuckle. "Uhm, thanks for walking me home."

"No problem. Goodnight, [Y/N]."

You nodded, eyes darting reflexively over his shoulder. The street beyond was still, but there was an unseen tension that shook the air, still putting you on edge.

"What you waiting for - a kiss?"

"Shut up, Light," you snapped, turning to leave before hesitating. "Sure you'll be okay?"

Light fluttered a hand to your shoulder and gave you a ressuring smile, ignoring the blush crawling up your neck. "You'll see me tomorrow at school with all limbs intact, I promise."

Shrugging him off, you edged up to your porch with a brief wave. "Okay, okay. Goodnight, Yagami."

Charming Criminal | Light Yagami ✓Where stories live. Discover now