Charming Criminal [19]

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Light fanned two slips of paper in front of your face, his lips stretched into a wide grin.

You ignored his friendliness and fixed him with a bored look. "What's that?"

"Tickets to the cinema," he said, wafting them in your face again. "D'you want to go with me?"

Your mouth dropped open incredulously. "Light! You have a girlfriend! You can't go round taking other girls out on dates."

Light looked at you quizzically, though his lips held the trace of a smirk. "Who said this is a date?

He really caught you out there. "W-well, what is it then?"

"Two friends having some fun at the cinema?"

"Right. Of course," you said, gritting your teeth in embarrassment. Had he done that to trip you up?

"So, are you up for it?"

You glanced at him quickly. "Why not. You've already paid I guess," you said, shrugging. "Uhm, sorry for being an ass earlier."

Light waved his hand, dismissively. "I'm used to it."

"You were an ass too!" you huffed, crossing your arms. He was the one keeping all the secrets.

"Okay, I'll admit to that. I shouldn't have lied to you," he said apologetically.

"You didn't lie, you just... didn't tell me. And fair enough, you know, we're all entitled to our secrets. It was just a bit of a surprise finding out like that," you admitted, checking your watch and realising you were about to be late to a lecture. Light did the same and started walking.

"So... are you jealous?"

You gave him a sideways glance. "Seriously Light? Why should I give a shit if you've got a girlfriend or not."

Light look at you stupidly. "Because you were hoping-"

"Don't even finish that," you said quickly, tutting. "Now every girl is so taken by that handsome face of yours."

"Oh! So you think I'm handsome?"

"Tch, I've never said you weren't?"

Light grinned at you, his eyes flashing.

"Oh wipe that smug look off of your face. It makes you look ugly."


"Are you sure you have time to take [Y/N] on a date?" Ryuk questioned that evening as Light was sat at his desk, stretching his arms out above his head. "Shouldn't you be preparing to be the God of your new world?"

Light shrugged, swivelling in his chair and pulling the Death Note out from his secret drawer. "I need to make it up to [Y/N]. I need her on my side so that she won't betray me for L," he muttered, scribbling furiously. "And anyway, I deserve a break too. Why not enjoy the benefits of my more peaceful world with someone my work is protecting?"

"By going to the cinema with her?" Ryuk reiterated. "How about taking your girlfriend?"

"I'm a bit busy here, Ryuk."

Charming Criminal | Light Yagami ✓Where stories live. Discover now