Charming Criminal [20]

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A/N: Sorry if anything about this situation is stupid or unrealistic ;-; Also the chapter is unedited and the end of it is a bit rushed/dodgy because I just finished writing it in History and want to get it published lol. Anyway enjoy~

You were out late again that night. You'd stayed over at college to catch up on some lecture you'd missed and the sky was already bruised dark purple as you started to make your way home.

It was cold, but you were swamped in a jumper and a fur-lined coat that thankfully kept out the bitter weather. Bowing your head against the wind, you walked quickly, focusing on the pavement passing beneath your feet. From the outside you looked like a shadow, in your black coat, unseen, invisible, bandaged by the night.

Maybe that's what had worked to your advantage. Maybe that's why she was taken and not you.

It had all happened so quickly.

There was a girl walking on the other side of the road, another shadow, but more visible. She had a thin jacket around her shoulders and three-quarter length trousers that were wholly unsuitable for the blustery weather.

One minute she was there, a blur in your peripheral vision. The next minute she was gone. Disappeared. In the seconds before, if the wind hadn't been so loud in your ears, you might have heard something - a muffled cry, a struggle. Although you didn't, you still noticed her absence. It was immediately unsettling.

And it made you stop. You glanced over your shoulder, eyes picking through the dark, and noticed a short alleyway a few paces back, the opening cloaked in shadow. Had she gone down there? It seemed weird for a girl to take a shortcut through such a dingy little alley at this time of night.

Checking for cars - the street was doused in silence, frozen in time - you crossed the road and walked up to the alley. Adrenaline crawled through your bloodstream as you approached it. Your hands were shaking beneath the cuffs of your coat.

You stopped right at the lip of the passage. It was dark. You couldn't see much. You stood for a few seconds, listening, holding your breath, letting your eyes adjust.

Then you heard it. Faint, then growing louder as you focused on it.

"No! P-please, stop! Get o-off me. Get off!"

Heart thundering in your ears, you had your phone in your hand in an instant, dialling the police. The police. Was it really the police you wanted? The ring was shrill in your ear, lasting a second.

The line had just connected when another voice interrupted.

"Oi! Oi, you! What are you doing?"

It was coming from the bottom of the alley. Your breath caught as you saw the shadow, lunging down the passage toward you, a lumbering black shape. You heard the girl cry out and then her thudding footsteps. At least she'd gotten away, but now the bastard was after you.

Police forgotten, you took off running.

Then you tripped, skidded, grazed your knuckles on the wall, and started off again.

The man was lumbering behind you, his short legs widening the distance. You might have been a faster runner, but your stamina was sparse. If he kept up the chase, you'd eventually run out and get caught.

Charming Criminal | Light Yagami ✓Where stories live. Discover now