Charming Criminal [30]

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A/N — Thirty chapters already ahhh. There are only a few more left! Although I think my foreshadowing was a bit too obvious so ya'll know what's coming lol. Anyway sorry for switching between POVs a lot in this chapter, and for the increased use of profanities!


Light's P.O.V

"L, where is she!?" The brunet stormed into the Task Force with his fists bunched and his eyes smouldering.

L turned around slowly, sucking on a red lollipop, which he brought out of his mouth with a wet pop. "Oh, you got my message?"

"[Y/N] has absolutely nothing to do with this," he snapped, knowing for a fact that you had everything to do with the case, with him. "Let her go, L."

"Admit you're Kira and I'll let her go."

"Are you insane?" Light exploded, his voice rebounding off the walls, ringing in his ears. The other members stared on silently, jaws quivering. His father was nowhere to be seen. "I'm not Kira and [Y/N] has nothing to do with this. I won't say it again. Let her go."

The detective gestured him over, and Light obeyed reluctantly, his footsteps echoing in the silence of the room. When he saw you tied up and blindfolded, strapped to some sort of dentistry chair with your head resting at a crooked angle and your legs splayed out, he felt his gut clench up. He didn't know how long you'd be able to last like that without slipping up, giving something away.

"This isn't right and you know it," he said, his voice dangerously low. L turned his head and saw the hard, sobered look in Light's eyes. "I'll do whatever if you let her go."


"I am not Kira! I will not lie, admit to something that isn't true."

L drummed his fingers against the keyboard, studying the brunet closely, carefully. "Let me talk to her," he said finally. "I'll talk to her and if I can't find anything that links her directly to Kira, I'll let her go."

"You have no evidence to keep her tied up like this!" Light insisted, his fists coming down hard on the table.

Someone stirred behind him, clearing his throat in warning. "Calm down, Light," Soichiro Yagami said; his son had been so wound up he hadn't heard him come in. "We wouldn't be doing something like this if we didn't have good reason."

Light wouldn't be swayed, even by his father. "Show me then. Where's your reason? Where's your evidence?"

L smiled coldly and tapped something on the computer, bringing up a name and picture that made Light turn cold.

"Do you recognise this man?"

Keeping his cool, keeping his face straight, Light shook his head. "No," he said decidedly.

L's smile widened. It was a smile that hadn't seen warmth in a long time. "He was killed yesterday afternoon in a car accident."

"Now that's unfortunate," he said, dipping his head respectfully, "but what does this have to do with [Y/N]?" he finished impatiently, already knowing the answer. Of course, this was the man you had begged him to kill.

"Hideki Itsuno was involved in a mugging incident yesterday morning. He was caught on the scene after attacking a woman in broad daylight. That woman was [Y/N]'s mother."

Light swallowed thickly. He could feel panic crawling up his throat like bile. He knew it had been a mistake, killing Itsuno. It gave Kira a direct link to [Y/N], a link that was much too convenient given their relationship to write off as a coincidence.

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