Charming Criminal [29]

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A/N Y'know the drill. Chapter is unedited, writing is crap, I'm too lazy to do something about it lol. If you see a mistake, just point it out and I'll fix it (but don't be too rude about it please and thank you!) >o<


"He's dead."

You swallowed hard at those words, drawing out a long breath that depleted most of the oxygen in your lungs. "Thank you, Light. Thank you, thank you."

"Car accident," he added, setting down his pen and shutting the notebook. Death Note. A bringer of death. "So he isn't so obviously linked to Kira." He swivelled round his chair to face you, lifting his lips into a half-hearted smirk. "Who would have thought [L/N] [F/N] would be asking me to kill a man."

You looked down at your hands, hands that were now covered in the blood of a man. You and Kira shared the blame on this one. But you liked to think the fault was on the man, for his crime. This was his retribution. He had it coming to him when he made the wrong choice. You felt a spark of guilt press against the back of your eyes, and then it was gone. And that was the end of it.

"Are you sure you don't mind me staying over again?" You asked, fiddling with the strap of the bag you'd brought along from your house.

"Not at all. I'm sure you don't want to be alone tonight," he said before adding: "I don't want you to be alone."

You dropped your bag and fixed him with a hard look. "What are you doing, Yagami?" You said abruptly.

"What do you mean?"

"The kiss. Acting like you really give a shit about me."

His response was quick, smooth. "I do give a shit." He stood up, his hip knocking the desk, making the pen pot rattle, and walked across to the bed. He sat down next to you, his leg pressed against yours, but you didn't have the will to draw away. "Why else did I tell you? Nobody else but you knows my secret."

"Misa does," you corrected, never taking your eyes off his. He was so close you could see the shallow dimples by his eyes and the freckles peppering his nose.

"Misa figured it out herself."

He was getting closer but you still couldn't pull away. Your eyes fell to his lips then went back up to his eyes. "She's a smart girl."

"Not as smart as you."

Then he had his hand against the back of your head and his lips on yours for the second time that evening. You wanted to pull away, push him off, you knew you should, but those lips were so addictive in a way that was wrong and you knew it. Like cigarettes. Knowing that one day they're going to kill you yet you keep going back for more.

Light held your fate at his fingertips, at the tip of a pencil, he could kill you by scribbling down your name in a notebook. And yet you couldn't keep away, couldn't get away.

Your hands went to his hair, his went to your waist. He pulled you closer, you tried and failed to pull apart.

And then you stopped because someone was at the door.

"Light-Kuuuuun, why's your door locked?" A familiar voice said, and you felt a stab of guilt.

"Crap," Light muttered, standing up and smoothing back his hair from where you'd messed it up with your fingers. Without glancing back at you. he twisted the lock and opened the door, fixing a smile on his face. "Misa. What are you doing here?"

She pushed her way into the room and froze when she saw you sitting on the bed. You gave her a weak smile.

"Oh. W-what are you doing here?" She asked, her head tipping to the side, like a wilting flower. Her eyes were narrowed.

Charming Criminal | Light Yagami ✓Where stories live. Discover now