Charming Criminal [8]

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"I thought you said no tutor sessions for a week if I went on a date with you," you groaned, fumbling through the library as Light goaded you towards a desk at the back, beside the high-arched windows sprawling a view of the courtyard.

He made a puzzled noise. "Eh? I don't remember that. Nope, definitely don't remember saying that."

You wrinkled your nose. "Of course you wouldn't," you said with a sigh, tossing your bag onto the table. Light took the adjacent seat and began sorting out his revision materials.

"Y'know, my grade's really improved since I started doing this with you," you muttered casually as you scrolled through your phone.

Light elicited a smug grin. "I told you, I'm the best tutor around."

You waved him off. "Yeah, yeah. But do you really think I'll have a chance at To-Oh?"

The boy fixed you with a sincere smile - the kind that made your heart twang painfully in your chest. "If you think you can do it - and if you put the work in of course - then I see no reason why not."

You set down your phone, digesting his words. "I guess you're right," you admitted hesitantly, rapping your knuckles against the underside of the desk. "Well then, I guess we'd better get this tutor session underway. I'm getting into To-Oh whether they want me or not."


"Ugh, I think my brain died," you muttered after what felt like an hour, burying your head in your hands.

Light's eyes crinkled. "We've only been at it for twenty minutes. What happened to To-Oh."

"Screw To-Oh, I just want to sleep until the end of my days," you grumbled, slamming your textbook shut - much to the disapproval of the librarian - and checking your watch. Ten minutes until your next lesson started. "Hey, wanna skip class with me?"

"Are you serious?" Light's lips quirked, but his eyes revealed nothing.

You'd been wondering about those eyes of his; lately, you'd started to notice a shift. Not a tangible difference, but more like a gradual change in aura. They were much more detached these days. Not quite here, in the presence, but somewhere else, in a daydream, or a haze in which he sometimes escaped.


Tearing your gaze away, you twirled your pen between your fingers and sat back. "Very serious. I'm in the mood for cake. A sugar rush might put me back into the mindset of studying too."

"Oh, now look whose asking for a date."

You scoffed, waving him off. "Shut it, Yagami. Do you want to go or not?"

The brunet chuckled. "Okay, I guess. I'm sure Sensei won't mind if I missed a period of social studies.

"Not bothered about ruining you 100% attendance?" You teased, packing away your stationary in a disorderly manner.

"Hah - don't underestimate my ability to sweet talk the receptionist. Do you really think I've never had a day off?"

You smirked a little at this. "Devious little bastard, huh?"

He gave you modest wink. "More than you know."

Those words struck you, and stuck with you after that. There'd always been a sort of ambiguity surrounding Light; a facade, an artificiality of sorts. Like he wasn't revealing his whole self. But there'd be times when you'd glimpse that other part of him, evidence of inconspicuous changes; a mutter here and there, a sharpness to his gaze that put you on edge, sometimes he seemed cold, detached, his smile wouldn't quite reach his eyes.

Charming Criminal | Light Yagami ✓Where stories live. Discover now