Charming Criminal [17]

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"Is this seat taken?" a voice muttered next to you, and you felt your gut tighten as Ryuzaki pulled out the chair and sat on it without waiting for your answer.

"What do you want?"

He wasted no time in getting straight to the point. "Yagami-Kun joined my Japanese Task Force to catch Kira."

Your voice wavered as you thought aloud. "W-what? But that's led by... oh shit. Just... shit. Go away. I don't want to get involved in this." You were struggling to keep your breathing under control now. Your heart was erratic.

Ryuga smiled. It was an empty smile, one lacking any warmth or humour whatsoever. "I think you do want to get involved," he said, shuffling his feet. "I think you're very interested in this. I think you're very interested in Kira, and in Light. I think you're very interested in who I am and why I suspect Light of being Kira-"

"Okay, okay," you hissed, digging your nails into your palms. This boy was putting you on edge, really putting you there. You felt like he wasn't giving you a choice, like you were on the edge of a cliff, about to fall, and accepting his offer would be your only salvation. But that was all in your mind, right? Just like those thoughts, those terrible thoughts you had about Kira. All in your mind.

Ryuga's smile faded a little. "Do you want to help me?"

"Do I want to? Not really," you muttered, brushing your hair back out of your face. "But I guess I don't really have a choice."

"Oh no, you have a choice. It's just... very limited," he said with that cold smile again.

You gave him a tight look. "So, what do you want from me?"

"Isn't it obvious? I want you to-"

"-spy on Light," you finished, sighing heavily. "Yeah, I figured. But he's still my friend, you know. And right now, I trust him a hell of a lot more than I trust you."

"That doesn't matter," he said, shrugging in that careless, lopsided away. "I just need you to act normal around him, but report anything interesting back to me."


"Anything suspicious."

You had difficulty swallowing; a small swell of panic stuck to the back of your throat. You knew for a fact that Ryuk was suspicious, that Light's actions in the past have been suspicious. You also knew that Light was a nice, charming guy who was entitled to his own secrets.

But now you just weren't sure what to think.

Light had helped you a lot over the past two years; with your studying, with getting into the prestigious To-Oh University, with being your only real friend, the only person who actually gave a damn about you.

It was ridiculous to believe he was a murderer simply because one weird boy at college who claimed to be the detective L told you so.

Why did things have to get so complicated?

"Okay," you answered shortly. Ryuk would stay a secret for now; you'd promised Light that much. "So, if I see anything interesting, I just give you a call, right?"

Ryuga nodded, already getting to his feet. "Don't call me directly. Get in touch with my assistant first, and he'll pass you onto me over a safer line."

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