Charming Criminal [18]

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"Yeah," Sayu said, looking embarrassed as the smile on your lips faltered, "but you're welcome to wait inside if you want."

You shook your head, looking down at your feet. "No, I just dropped by to return these books. Would you mind passing them on for me?"

"Of course," she said, taking them from your hands. "Thanks for returning them. I'll, uh, tell him you dropped by."

You nodded and bowed, giving her a weak smile. "I appreciate that. Goodbye."

Closing the door, Sayu let out a sigh. You looked much nicer than the girl her brother currently had up in his room, even if you were just a 'friend'. Cradling the textbooks in her arms, she jogged up to Light's room. Voices warbled through the doorway, but she couldn't quite make out what they were saying. Sayu could have easily waited until the girl - Misa, she remembered her name was - left, but she was feeling particularly devious and wanted to see both of their faces when she revealed another girl had dropped by.

The door swung inwards and Light stepped out looking annoyed. "What is it?"

Sayu held the books aloft. "Some girl came by to give you these back."

Light glanced over the books, his eyes flashing. "[L/N]-San came by? Is she here now?"

Sayu shook her head, smirking. "I told her you were with your girlfriend. She looked a bit surprised, but told me to give you these."

He looked irritated at that.

"Who is she anyway?" She prompted, raising her eyebrows.

"A friend from college," he said quickly, grabbing the books and already closing the door on her. "Thanks, Sayu."

As Light turned back to the room, Misa pouted at him from her perch on his bed. "Who's [Y/N]?"

Light rolled his eyes, setting the books on the side. "Just someone from college. I borrowed her some textbooks, that's all." He turned to face the girl in his room; the girl he now knew was the second Kira. The girl who was claiming to be his girlfriend. She was pretty, but she was already getting on his nerves. She was much too submissive, too needy.

She was nothing like [Y/N], but with her Shinigami Eyes, she was much more useful.


You decided to take a detour through the park on your way home, hoping the air might clear your head, set your thoughts straight.

You had to admit, you were a bit disheartened by the fact that Light had a girlfriend and had neglected to tell you about it. Fair enough, he could date who he wanted, but keeping it from you was a little bit discouraging when you were supposed to be friends.

Coupled with the Task Force, Light seemed to be keeping a lot of secrets from your lately.

Just what else could he be hiding?

"Oh, what a surprise."

You looked up with a start, not expecting anyone to be around at this time, much less someone you knew. You groaned loudly, covering your face with your hands.

"What the hell, Ryuga!"

He was sitting on one of the swings, barefoot, wearing his usual white shirt and trousers. He slowed his decent, dragging his feet in the grass, and patted the seat next to him. You stayed right where you were, crossing your arms stubbornly.

"I'm taking a big risk exposing myself in public. You ought to be honoured. So come and sit down."

Rolling your eyes, you unfolded your arms and trudged over to the swing, sitting down heavily. "Why are you here anyway? Did you follow me?"

Ryuga shrugged.

"I'll take that as a yes."

You were silent for a few minutes, listening to the soft moan of the wind, creaking the roundabout into jerky circles. Leaves skittered over your feet, pirouetting like dancers.

"You seem upset."

It wasn't a question. You didn't have an answer.

"Did Light do something wrong?" Or suspicious, more like. He wanted to know if you'd found anything yet.

"He has a girlfriend now," you said simply, hoping you didn't sound too pathetic. But your voice came out bitter and ironic. "I'm just pissed he didn't tell me, that's all."

Ryuga nodded, black hair bouncing forward. "I can see he means a lot to you." His voice was emotionless, he sounded bored. Why was he even bothering to ask?

"No, we're just... he's just the only friend I've got. And I hate it when people keep secrets."

"I'm afraid he has more secrets than you ever realised."

You rolled your eyes, grumbling in frustration. "Light is not Kira."

Ryuga shrugged again, a gesture that infuriated you in its indifference, and stood up from the swing while it was still moving. "All roses have their thorns."

And with a slight bow, he walked off into the night.


You tried to avoid Light the next day, but he caught on quick and managed to track you down to the library that lunchtime. You were sitting on your own, reading quietly, when hands dropped on your shoulder, and you stiffened, partially hoping it was Ryuzaki or even someone else, anyone but Light.

"You've been avoiding me."

You scoffed, shutting your book and shrugging him off. "I just wanted some peace and quiet for a day. I can't fall behind in my classes."

"You're not going to," Light assured you. "But you've still been avoiding me."

You stayed quiet, unsure of what to say.

"I heard you came round last night."

You sniffed humourlessly, already gathering your things and putting them away. "Yeah, but you were with your girlfriend. Or maybe that was a ruse and you were actually working with the task force. As long as you got your books." With a sarcastic smile, you got to your feet and turned to leave but Light grabbed your arm. You fixed him with a hard stare. "Let go of me, Yagami."

His grip loosened, but he kept his hand on your arm. "Look, [Y/N], I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I'm sorry I kept it a secret. I just... I hadn't found the right time to tell you."

You shrugged, looking down at your feet, and he let go. You walked away immediately.

And were disappointed when he didn't try and stop you.

Charming Criminal | Light Yagami ✓Where stories live. Discover now