Charming Criminal [14]

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You scrolled down the news tab on your phone as you crossed the courtyard, a large square in the centre of the various college outbuildings. There were a number of benches and picnic tables dotted around, in and amongst the various greenery and shrubs that pocketed the slate tiles. It was one of these you were planning to go to, where you'd sit and continue your search for anything relating to Kira in the headlines. After the incident with the stalker, you'd been taking a much more active interest in the ongoing investigation, the fight between L and Kira, their true identities. 

A section of the courtyard diverted into another road that led to the sports facilities. It was as you passed this that you noticed a crowd assembling around one of the outdoor tennis courts. A low din surged forward as the crowd muttered excitedly amongst yourself. You couldn't help it, your interest was immediately piqued and, Kira momentarily forgotten, you picked your way over to the court, slipping easily through the throng with muttered apologies and 'excuse me's. You reached the fence at the front, threading your fingers through the gaps to keep your place, and peered through. Your lips parted with a small breath of surprise. 

It was Light and Ryuga. Yagami was in a gym kit, his shorts showing off toned legs, while Ryuga was still donning his shirt and jeans, only this shirt was short sleeved and exposing his pale, skinny arms. They were playing tennis, one-on-one, and the match was intense; you could see the beads of sweat on their skin, foreheads glistening, and the concentration on their faces. Light kept licking his top lip, his eyes sharp and calculating, not missing a thing, the gears in his mind turning as he swung the racket in pre-determined movements. Ryuga looked calmer, more casual, as if he was swinging the racket wherever seemed appropriate, but it was a calculated calm. He was working just as hard.

You, like everyone else around you, were transfixed. You'd never seen a game so intense, so electric. The air was static with the heat and pressure emenating from them both.

And then, as quick as it had started:"Set! Won by Light Yagami, six games to four," the umpire called, blowing his whistle.

You stirred, uncurling your fingers from the fence and walking all the way down to the gate that opened out onto the court. People called for an encore behind you, but you ignored them like the two players. 

"You beat me, Yagami," you heard Ryuga say as you stepped onto the court. He was panting quick, heavy breaths as he walked over to Light, extending a hand. The brunette shook it warily.

"That's the first time I've played for real in ages, Ryuga," Light admitted as you drew closer, trying not to focus on the defined muscles of his legs in comparison to Ryuga's scrawny frame. His cheeks were pink and peppered with beads of sweat.

"Light, hey!" You shouted to get his attention. He looked over at you and smiled faintly. "Holy shit, guys, that game was crazy."

Ryuga turned to you with interest, his face as white and ghostly as ever. "You seem to hang around with Yagami-Kun a lot. Are you his girlfriend?"

Your brows quirked, and you gave him a sarcastic smile. You saw Light's lips twitch in the corner of your eye. "Only in his dreams."

Light swiped a fist through the air, as if batting away an invisible opponent. "Damn it. I'll win you over one day," he said, winking. You rolled your eyes, convincing yourself he was one hundred percent joking. 

Ryuga watched the exchange blankly. "If you're not dating, could I have your number?" He asked, looking you dead in the eye. You figeted under that stare, looking past him, to the empty courts.

Charming Criminal | Light Yagami ✓Where stories live. Discover now